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Greetings, Patrons!

It's going to be a busy week. I've just posted a new article that addresses the basic question of "What's common knowledge in Khorvaire?" Tomorrow I'll be posting a call for IFAQ questions to the Inner Circle, and later in the week I'll be kicking off a new series of polls for Threshold backers, as well as picking a time for the next episode. 

Thanks for your support!


Dragonmarks: Common Knowledge

As time permits, I like to answer interesting questions posed by my supporters. One question that often comes up is " What do people in the world actually know about (subject)?" As players and DMs, we have access to a tome of absolute knowledge that tells us all about the Lords of Dust, the Dreaming Dark, the Empire of Dhakaan, and so on.



That's quite useful knowledge, thanks for the article!