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Hello Patrons!

First of all, thank you for your continued support through the very difficult month of April. Between personal loss and the aftermath of it and a challenging workload, I didn't have as much time as I'd like for the site and I really appreciate you bearing with me. 

Hopefully, we're going to have things back on track in May. To begin with, we have a new IFAQ today, which was spawned by the question why DO rakshasas look like tigers? and ties up a few loose ends from the previous Lords of Dust post. I still have a major deadline to hit mid-month, so we're going to stick with IFAQs for now, but I will do a call for questions shortly, and we will definitely have the next session of Threshold this month... And you may get some sneak peeks at Frontiers of Eberron or some of the other things I've been working on!

Thanks again! 


IFAQ: Rakshasas and Native Fiends

As time permits, I like to answer interesting questions posed by my Patreon supporters. Today, I want to look at native fiends, with a particular focus on rakshasa. A native fiend is a fiend that was spawned in a demiplane of Khyber.



You have all our support, Keith. Hope you stay healthy and remain on top of your workload.


Thank you Mr.Baker for all the art, stories and other things you have contributed. I'm sure we will support you through this tough time and that we will always love your amazing material for Eberron. Keep Exploring my man!