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The results are in, and the Mystery is a Glory Paladin who wields an ancient double-bladed scimitar. They're a folk hero who's often come to the aid of the common people in their journey across Khorvaire, though some whisper that they may not be alive at all—that they refuse to remove their mask because they're an actual revenant of their mysterious ancestor. Given the close result and the fact that these are RUMORS, not facts, some also say that the Mystery slew a dozen elves in a battle in Wroat... but who can say if there's any truth to it. With that in mind, let's talk about our final character: the Good Boy. 

The Good Boy is a worg who was born into the Dark Pack of Droaam. Tragedy has driven this deadly hunter from their homeland, and they have forged a strong bond with one of the other player characters. This character is an actual worg, not a shifter or shapechanger. And they are, at the end of the day, a very good boy. 

First and foremost: I will be developing racial statistics for a playable worg. They may well evolve from session to session; again, this is an experiment! To set one immediate expectation, the Good Boy will be a medium creature, though he may have Powerful Build and the ability to carry a medium rider... or he may just be the runt of the litter! Either way, he's not a large creature. 

We know that the Good Boy was once part of the Dark Pack of Droaam. His class and background will reflect his role. 

  • As a Gloom Stalker ranger, the Good Boy was one of the enforcers of the Daughters of Sora Kell. Trained to strike from the shadows and to evade even darkvision, the Gloom Stalker has the Soldier background; though he no longer serves the Daughters, he's earned the respect of the Znir Pact, their fellow Pact members, and the others he served with. 
  • Manifest zones are found across Khorvaire, and as a Horizon Walker ranger, the Good Boy patrolled dangerous zones and dealt with the threats that emerged from them. The Horizon Walker has the Inheritor background; he found something remarkable in a manifest zone, which may prove to be a boon or a burden. 
  • As a College of Swords bard, the Good Boy is guided by the voice of the Fury. He moves with remarkable grace, and his battle-howls inspire his allies. The Swords bard has the Outlander background; he may not be a ranger, but he's still at home in the wilds. 

I'll note that I will be using the optional rules for the Ranger from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, and that the Good Boy will be able to treat their bite as a "weapon attack" for class features related to it. 

Next up: The Good Boy definitely knows the Marshal and the Flame. He worked with the Marshal a few times when the Marshal was pursuing fugitives in Droaam, and he found the Flame trying to cross Droaam and took them to the Marshal in Threshold. So there's a general connection. But I want the Good Boy to have a deep connection to one other characters, and I want this bond to go both ways. Who would the Good Boy be willing to lay down their life for, and why?  

  • If it's the Marshal, the two almost killed one another in their first encounter in Droaam before uniting to defeat a common enemy. They've saved one another's lives many times, and trust one another more than their own kin. 
  • If it's the Flame, the Good Boy feels a deep, almost parental tie to this urchin, and wants to guide and protect them. 
  • If it's the Tailor, the Good Boy is also a spy -- a long-time agent for the Tarrka'khesh. This may explain why they've left Droaam. They may not KNOW the Tailor well, yet, but it's their duty to protect them. 

Again, the Good Boy will be FRIENDS with the Flame and the Marshal regardless of what is chosen. But if they could only save one of the three, which would it be?

Next we have the reason they've left Droaam. Were they exiled by the leader of the Dark Pack, for reasons they have yet to reveal? Were they ordered to leave by the Daughters, perhaps as part of a long term scheme? Or did they choose to leave, placing their bond to the Marshal and the Flame above their own pack? If it was a choice, there may well be something that triggered it—a rivalry with a packmate, or something else that pushed them to turn their back on their homeland. Whatever the reason, they went AWOL and there may be consequences if they return. 

Finally we have a few simple facts. Does he love food? Does he have a deep faith in the Six? Or has Sora Teraza told him about his future—including how he will die? 

Thanks as always for your support!



As another point of clarification: As a Horizon Walker ranger, the Good Boy would be focused more on manifest zones than on actual planar portals. Their ability to detect "portals" would allow them to detect and analyze manifest zones. I don't expect a lot of actual planar travel in the initial arc.


And the last chance to play a Horizon Walker fizzles into the Mists (weeps ethereal tears).