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Hi Everyone!

November was a challenging month, and December will be as well. Setting aside the holidays, my company Twogether Studios is also releasing The Adventure Zone: Bureau of Balance this month, and there's things I have to do with that. Beyond that, the development of Threshold has taken more time and effort than I expected. I decided to create a roster of ten player characters, to ensure that players will have a wide range of options to choose from and that no one will end up having to play a character they dislike... But that resulted in sixteen polls, and most of those required the same effort on my part as writing an IFAQ. I really enjoyed the entire process, but I know it means that for those of you who AREN'T part of Threshold, this was a somewhat lean month in terms of content. However, Threshold will not be so demanding every month. While there will always be polls as we continue to collaborate on the story, there's not going to be 15 polls each month. 

However, this DOES mean that I'm behind on articles. Furthermore, in approaching the topic of arcane science and industry, I've found that it's a big topic. I posted an article on Flight in November. I've just posted an article on arcane theory. But it's going to take at least two more articles of similar size to properly cover this topic. I do have holiday travel this month, and I intend to run the first Threshold game session before the month is over. All of that means that I'm not doing a poll for a new article this month. As patrons, you'll get three dragonmark-length articles this month, but both in terms of time and the creative space in my brain, there's no way I can add an ADDITIONAL topic on top of that. I will post a call for short questions soon. 

Thank you for your support: it's the only thing that allows me to write articles like this one. And thanks to all of you who are participating in Threshold (and for the record, our final Threshold character is a worg Gloomstalker ranger who has a close bond to the Flame, who received a disturbing prophecy from Sora Teraza and chose to abandon their position in the Dark Pack of their own free will). Enjoy the latest article!


Dragonmarks: Arcane Science

Arcane magic is a form of science. There are predictable rules that shape reality, and with proper study and force of will, anyone could potentially perform arcane magic. This is what makes arcane magic the foundation of civilization in the Five Nations: it can be taught, and once learned, it is entirely reliable.



I just wanted to say how impressed and grateful I am for all of your time, as it is! If Threshold gets pushed back to February or March, I don't mind one bit. I'm getting as much "value" out of each of these character and campaign background polls as I am an iFAQ, anyway. And considering your busy schedule, needing to juggle the sheer volume of PCs and NPCs, the logistics of such a unique campaign format, and the, you know, pandemic... The content has been great, I relish the opportunity to interact with you, and I feel lucky to be a part of this community. Do what you gotta do, while staying healthy and sane!


I have to say that I'm more than happy with the work you produce. Few creators share so frequently and are so responsive to the fans. On top of this, most creators tend to lock down their world as they build out. You find a way to expand in ways that leave more room for building our own stories. Thank you for all of your work.