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We've still got a lot of characters to get through, so I want to keep moving. As a result of the last poll, The Flame and The Greensinger are our Faith characters; as I mentioned earlier, the Fury and the Preacher are residents of Threshold, but they aren't PCs. 

Let's start off with the Greensinger. Here's what we had before: 

The Greensinger follows no god, but knows that there are ancient powers in the mountains and the plains, and that the town must strike a balance with these forces if it is to survive. The Greensinger knows that the town itself is a story, and intends to ensure that it ends well. The Greensinger may be an elf, or they may be a changeling who often adopts an elf persona.

The Greensinger has an archfey patron. This is the archfey who held power over the region the Greensinger came from. They aren't the ongoing source of the Greensinger's power, but some of the character's class abilities or spells may be the result of training or gifts from this patron. They don't have significant influence in this region, but choice of patron speaks to the backstory of the Greensinger, and their patron may have given them a task in the region. The Greensinger knows there is a fey presence in the region around Threshold, and one of their goals will be to identify and negotiate with the archfey that has power in the region.

Despite all of this, the Greensinger is not a warlock. Among other things, warlocks make good wandslingers and I want to save the class for a different character. And as I said before, the Greensinger is driven by faith—by their belief in the relationship between fey, nature, and the mortal world, and their desire to act as an intermediary for the good of Threshold. The people of Threshold may not share their beliefs, but they know they are acting for the good of the town—though in the process, they can also make arrangements that benefit themself or their patron. 

Likewise, regardless of background, the Greensinger is a storyteller; stories are, in some ways, the prayers of the Greensingers, as they teach the listen about the fey and the magic in the world. And yes, such stories are often sung, hence Greensinger. Part of what this means is that I'm combining class and background. This character should be able to perform and should be comfortable in the wild, so if they're a druid, I'm giving them the entertainer background; if they're a bard, I'm giving them the outlander background. 

Also, the choice of Archfey patron will affect the overall tone of the character.  If they're tied to the Forest Queen they're comfortable with the etiquette of the Faerie Court, but may be concerned the industrial expansion of Threshold. Fortune's Fool encourages them to charge into trouble and trust fate to work things out; they will be more overconfident, casual in manner, and prone to grand gestures. And the Second Son is driven by ambition and always yearns for that held by others; if the Greensinger has ties to the Count of the Barren Marches, they love intrigue and have a more direct purpose in the region.

Let's get to the vote: let me know if you have any questions!



the facts are all SO interesting??


This is absolutely hilarious to me because my first-ever DND character was a changeling who wandered into the Feywild and grew up in the court of her patron. She was ACTUALLY a warlock, though, so I'm excited to see what the Greensinger shapes up to be!