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We've got slightly less than 24 hours left in the poll for The Faith characters, and I wanted to share a few things that have come up in discussions on the Discord channel. The first is this image from patron Asura, making a case for The Flame. At the moment, the Flame, the Fury, and the Greensinger are all quite close. Here's a few things to consider before the poll closes. 

Kobolds are a part of Threshold. There's a community of them on the edge of the town, and The Fury is their spiritual leader. One thing this means is that like the Preacher, the Fury WILL be part of the story regardless of whether or not they are chosen as a player character; it's just a question of whether they're a PC or NPC. A second element is that there are two other kobolds who are possible player characters: a kobold sorcerer and a kobold scout (could be a ranger or rogue). I don't really want more than one kobold in our PC pool, so once one of those is selected the others won't show up on polls. So the question isn't do you want to play a kobold, but rather do you want to play THIS kobold. To be clear, I love the Fury, which is one reason they're the first of the three to show up - I just want you to know that this isn't the only possibility for a kobold PC. 

I also wanted to clarify a few things about The Greensinger. The question was raised as to whether they really belong in this grouping; of the five, they're the only one unlikely to be a divine character, and are they really religious? I just wanted to call out that yes, they ARE a character driven by faith -- that there's a big difference between a devout Greensinger and an Archfey warlock. Greensinger is a belief system; they're a druidic sect, and there are Greensinger communities in the Eldeen Reaches. What characterizes the Greensinger faith is the belief that both magic and the fey are part of nature. They seek out Thelanian manifest zones and other places where the fey have a strong presence, because it's in those places that the world is truly alive. So essentially, the Greensinger faith is a form of animism; they celebrate dryads as the voices of the trees, and cultivate their relationships with the fey as people in FR might cultivate a relationship with the gods. After all, both are supernatural forces that concretely exist, powers you can actually speak with and bargain with. The role of the Greensinger druid or bard is to be the intermediary between the common folk and these powers, to mediate disputes on either side and to find ways for their community to benefit from a relationship with the Fey. It's a different sort of faith because we know the fey absolutely exist—but it is still driven by a belief in the ROLE of the fey in the world, and by a desire to act for the good of a community, and not just in the 'singer's own self-interest. So there might well be an Archfey warlock in a later poll who's just pursuing their own interests and making deals for personal power; the Greensinger wants to ensure that THRESHOLD has a good relationship with the local fey. 

To be clear: I support all of these options and I'm not trying to sway people in any direction. I don't know if what I've shared about the Greensinger makes them more or less interesting; I just wanted to explain why they are in the FAITH poll as opposed to filling a later slot. 

Thanks again for your support! If you have any questions about any of the characters, post below!



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