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Hello, Inner Circle! While I like having a monthly topic for longer posts, I also don't want to ignore general questions and will post a few shorter Q&As when I can. With that in mind, I'm looking for questions that can be answered with a single paragraph. Questions that require longer answers or full posts will go on the slush pile, and it's a big pile. So the more specific the question, the more likely it will be answered.

I'm happy to address questions about Eberron, Phoenix: Dawn Command, Illimat, or any of my other games!



Under what circumstances do you believe Kaius III might reveal that he is a vampire? I mean if the players are doing a task to serve him, particularly against Lady Vol, is there a possibility that he might reveal his vampire nature to players?

Remi Garreau

Could we get a quick rundown on what the humans of each of the Five Nations commonly look like, physically? Or are they a grab bag of all possible looks we have in reality?


I think this one depends on you though?... my karrnathi all have names like Mishka or Vladimir "and speak like this"(tell me you don;t read that with the accent?), but I've seen posts from people who use completely unrelated cultures/regions for them... My thrane folks tend to use a southern (us) axent because it fits well.Breland tends to get my normal neutral south florida accent <a href="http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=519494" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=519494</a> which I've been told is very neutral . use what look/accent you want?


I will address this and the fashion question in a Q&A this month, but by canon the Five Nations are something of a grab bag. Bear in mind that humanity evolved in Sarlona -- which includes environments ranging from desert to tundra -- and that the people of the Five Nations are entirely made up of mixed settlers and refugees from across Sarlona. So it's certainly possible to assign a common look based on the environment, culture and primary roots of a nation, but it's definitely the case that none of the Five Nations are entirely uniform and that they all contain a mix of ethnicities and appearances.