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My latest article is a follow up to last week's post about a Q'barra campaign. It looks at two of the native cultures of Q'barra - the Trothlorsvek dragonborn and the Cold Sun lizardfolk - and how ties to these cultures could affect a player character. 

I've got lots of things in the works. Next week I'll be focusing on the planes, starting with an article on Mabar (and how you can use it in both Eberron and Phoenix). 

Thanks for your support!


Dragonmarks: Lizard Dreams

My previous post dealt with creating an Eberron campaign based in Q'barra, and it spawned the following question. How do you see a human (or dwarf or whatever) barbarian raised by Cold Sun lizardfolk working in this campaign?



Per Dungeon 185, the kobolds are especially vulnerable to corruption by Masvirik. This may simply be the local kobolds, which are presumably irvhir... on the other hand, that's the kobolds the lizardfolk are familiar with, so I think they'd generally approach kobolds with caution. It's possible that they'd see Shulassakar of irsvern kobolds as fellow servants of the light; or since they haven't dreamt of these things, they might treat them as any other strangers. Ultimately, as with many things, it's a matter of what you want to happen for your story.


Looking back at the original ECS, the Twilight Walkers are called out as being willing to work with the softskins. Is there a reason the Twilight Walkers are more willing to trust those who don't share in the lizardfolk's dreams? Do their emotions run a little deeper than other lizardfolk, so they are better able to empathize with mammals? Do they have closer relations to the Dragonborn, making them more able to understand demihumans? Do they have access to dreams that the other lizardfolk don't? Or do they suspect that humanity has their own verison of the scales dreams, but that its message is as unintelligable to the Cold Sun Federation as their prophetic dreams are to elves and dwarves?


PERSONALLY, I'd take the stance that this is again about miscommunication and unreliable narration. Looking to the Poison Dusk, the idea is that some colonists were attacked by pygmy lizardfolk and the Cold Sun LF told them "That's the Poison Dusk. We fight them"... and the colonists got the idea that the Poison Dusk are a tribe of pygmy lizardfolk, where in fact they're a multiracial force. Here, I'd be inclined to say that the Twilight Walkers aren't a TRIBE - it's a job, sort of a combination of "Ambassador" and "Shaman". The Twilight Walkers deal with those sentients who don't know the Dream, whether those are humans, dragonborn, or something else. All of which is to say that many of the answers to your questions are "yes". They likely do have a more developed sense of empathy, which is part of what has drawn them to this role. They have closer relations to the dragonborn, as they've been working with the Dragonborn for millenia, and as such they are more comfortable dealing with outsiders in general.