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Hey Inner Circle patrons!

Next week is all about the Planes. I have a longer article about a plane that hasn't received much attention... but I also want to address general questions about the planes (whether the planes of Eberron or the Dusk of Phoenix) throughout the week. So: any questions?

As always, thank you for your support!



How understood are the various Planar connections by houses & nations? ie. Does Zilargo openly acknowledge their connection to Thelanis & exchange ambassadors? Does Lyrandar or Orion include manifest zone maps & updates in their services? Would anyplace like Arcanix or Sharn require arcane practitioners to file an, 'enviromental impact statement' for any significant rituals? Are there any zones that deliberately function as a port or crossroads the way Stormhome & Sharn do?


How do Mabar and the Plane of Shadows both exist in the same cosmology while remaining distinct? What is the difference in themes between these two Planes? Can the Plane of Shadows have its own Manifest Zones?