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Hello! The second monster is on another level from the first one (and has been developed in a third of the time). In multiplayer, it may be one of the most hysterical monsters I've created. I'm keeping from showing the monsters since they are one of the main pieces of content, but I really wish I could show it. 

Aside from emphasizing co-op, I'm thinking about ways to design monsters to synergize with each other if they're in the same space, rather than clumping together and causing awkward chaos. I want an "artful chaos" rather than "awkward chaos." 

An example of this is Splatoon's PvE mode Salmon Run, where the enemies were thoughtfully designed to work with each other like puzzle pieces; the "Slammin' Lid" enemy puts down a shield, protecting other enemies, but it can also try to crush the player and will kill its friends in the process. Most enemies in that game mode take unique positions in the level and traverse it in as many ways as possible, so they don't push each other around. 

This is a puzzle that I'm going to have to put together as I go. I think I did it well in The Upturned, but I wasn't randomly generating the maps and enemies then, so I could always ensure the best combinations.

I also created the scan system, which seems like a mechanic you'd forget about but will actually be very important for many things. I originally wanted something like the scan visor in Metroid Prime. I debated for a long time whether I should make an item which scans objects and has a tiny screen (almost like a beefed up, sci-fi price scanner), but in the end I gave the ability its own button and made scans appear on the HUD. It feels cooler and works well as a tutorial feature.



Metroid Prime and Splatoon. Some good inspirations for sure!


this scan feature seems interesting, since in many games i just roam around for 30 minutes straight to find a certain object