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Hello! So what's happened with Lethal Company the past 2 weeks? It's actually been doing quite well.


Firstly, I gave the game a good audio engine. Among other things I was able to add in binaural audio, so things sound like they're actually in a 3D space. (This is something you don't notice is missing from most games until you hear it.) Since I don't know how it sounds when using a single speaker, I might have to make it an option.


Second, I added in the way that players will have items delivered--through this airdrop ship, which I wanted to sound a little obnoxious. I then thought of ice cream truck jingles as the perfect comparison. I might change the current audio since I'm not sure I like it.

The way you actually purchase items is through a Duskers-like text interface. This has some disadvantages, but it feels cool and gives me some opportunities. Making the text parser only took me a few days; when I made a text parser in 2017 it took me a few months of watching tutorials before giving up.

Also, on Thanksgiving I finally added in the fabled shovel: https://twitter.com/ZeekerssRBLX/status/1596463372048175104


Lastly, I tested the game again with a friend. Near the end of this test, Flowerman (who is currently the only monster), refused to show up for quite some time before killing us suddenly. Afterwards, we looked back at the footage of our gameplay and saw that he had been hiding in plain sight and had not attacked. This was not a feature. But it is quite characteristic of Flowerman.




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