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The past week I've spent time improving some fundamental code to make the game function. For this project I am required more than ever to organize everything like a maniac and think like a game designer.

And it has been a small emotional journey. I am really amazed that I have gotten this far. It's like this new project is just BARELY making it with my level of expertise--and my luck at finding assets which smarter people have made for my game's unique situation. It reminds me of making games in Roblox back when I was 12 with almost no coding knowledge, by just modifying others' freely released code. I have thought for sure several times that the project is dead. But it's in a place now where I am more confident than ever it will survive.

Much of this work was on the menu screen, which has too many spoilery elements. But I can show you this logo which I am surprisingly happy with, considering it was made in an hour or two.

I also attached a new menu theme I made in Audacity. (I have a DAW to make music in, but I still use plain old Audacity sometimes. Yeah!)

Now, that I'm mostly done with all that, there is a popular game which I've been studying, trying to pull only the good things out of its design while leaving out the stuff which I hate (which is mostly poor execution). I can't say what that game is yet since it would spoil too much about Lethal Company. But I'll just say, the game's objective is secretly brilliant, and it's almost impossible for me to pull its mechanics apart from its high concept. A couple games have already come out which also tried to capture what this game did while changing its premise--but they obviously had to throw out what made it so great in order to make any sense on the surface. It's almost like it's a one-of-a-kind game.

I wish I could talk about it in more detail, but that has to wait.


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