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Hello, I just got finished setting up my first, basic inventory system. In this video I also show off the ladder system which I made a couple weeks ago. Another major thing in this is the HUD; you might be able to guess that it's inspired by Outer Wilds and a little by Metroid Prime. One of the major things that will set Lethal Company apart from its biggest inspirations (which are still a secret) is how "videogamey" it will feel. The HUD helps with that a lot, as does being able to jump and climb.

I have not yet been working on coding the elevator which will take the player through the randomized levels of the game, because I'm apprehensive about my current concept for the game's objective. (It seems too repetitive and disconnected from the threat.) 

I'm also trying to figure out how enemies will be triggered in these randomized levels, since I want a slower tension-release cycle than my other horror games but cannot rely on scripted events to pace the game exactly how I like. 

And I'm ALSO trying to think of an objective that I could attach a more catchy premise to--something that makes a little more sense, which players can roleplay. I think there is a single solution to all these problems, but I will have to completely rethink how the game is structured if I want to find it.

The other thing shown here is the UI for the battery system, which I haven't fully implemented yet. It's a universal, limited resource used to power the player's items. The ultimate goal of that is to force the player to pick and choose what tools they want to use and when they want to use them. Lethal Company needs mechanics which add depth and strategy, from moment-to-moment gameplay as well as between levels; this would take care of the latter. And the other reason I'm adding this in is because the wonderful horror game "Duskers" used limited resources in a way I would love to copy if I could.


Items and ladder test


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