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The Merchant of New Borealis Ch. 2 (Original)

  • Accept her offer and walk through the forest together 9
  • Accept her offer and walk around the forest together 1
  • Reject her offer and walk around the forest by yourself 2
  • 2019-08-09
  • —2019-08-12
  • 12 votes
{'title': 'The Merchant of New Borealis Ch. 2 (Original)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Accept her offer and walk through the forest together', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Accept her offer and walk around the forest together', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Reject her offer and walk around the forest by yourself', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 12, 16, 0, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 9, 19, 52, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 12}


$1 - $5 = 1 vote, $9 to $15 = 2 votes. Anything above $15 = 3 votes/ 

Summary: You choose to fight the Succubus, hoping that you can overpower her. The results are...not what you expected. 


You’ve got to stand your ground and fight! 

The Succubus’ hand reaches out towards your neck, but yours moves first, darting out like a bolt of lightning. Speed and surprise are your big advantages. If you can take her by surprise, you can get out of this!

It’s been a long time since you’ve been in a fight. You hope you can do this…

Your hand grabs hers and her eyes widen. You ready yourself up to knock her down when you hear an unmistakable sound. 

A whimper.


You stare at the Succubus, and she’s quivering as your hand squeezes her. “W-w-w-” Her face is gaining color, turning a dark purple. 

Why? What? Whatever she’s saying, you watch as she suddenly falls, landing on her knees as she stares up at you, amber eyes shimmering. Tiny tears pool in the corners of her eyes as her lower lip quivers. 

Should… Should you still throw her down? As you debate whether or not to kick her, she continues to stutter. “W-w-we’re… we’re holding hands…”

Huh. Weird thing to comment on… Suddenly the Succubus begins to shake, and you listen to her moan as she bites her lower lip. Your eyes only get wider as you feel sweat dripping down your body. 

Is she…? It’s unmistakable, she is. The way her body shakes, the way she’s moaning, the way her free hand gently rubs her own chest. She’s experiencing an orgasm! She is cumming as your muscles twitch and you hold her hand tighter. 

“W-what are you doing, you pervert?! We can’t… Y-you can’t just hold my hand like, like, ahh!” She falls forward, catching herself with her free hand as you see her large breasts swing back and forth. “Like some kind of… p-pervert…”

What the fuck is happening?

You try to pull your hand out of hers, but she catches you, interlocking her fingers with yours. You’ve lost the element of surprise. If anything, she’s caught you by surprise. 

Her hand is locked with yours as she moaned, pressing her thighs together as she licks her lips. Her saliva makes her purple lipstick shimmer as she begins to pant. 

“You… you clean-minded, naive, little human! D-did you want to hold hands with me that badly? So badly you would rather hold my hand than let me fuck you? Ah, how could you be so… so stupidly pure!?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” you ask, but you are ignored as she suddenly pulls you close. You fall forward, but she catches you, lifting one hand up to catch your chest as her head leans down and presses against your crotch. “Ah!” 

She feels your erection through the fabric of your pants. Her moans are muffled, but you feel the vibrations as she opens her mouth to lick tent through the clothes. 

“Ah, y-you probably wanted to try a-and redeem me. Purify me. Talk about my feelings, a-and treat me like your best friend! S-show me love and compassion and whispers sweet nothings in my ee-EEEAAAH!”

Okay, she definitely just came. Fuck, she sounds so hot and her wet tongue against your crotch is driving your mad. She places her hand on your ass, squeezing it and pressing her face against you even harder. 

That’s when you realize her teeth just caught your zipper, and she’s pulling the zipper down. 


“N-no getting out of this, you pervert! I won’t let you corrupt me! You probably wanted t-to hold hands and talk about our feelings all day! Did you want me to tell you my dreams? My hopes? W-well, fuck you! I can’t tell you shit if your cock is fucking my face!”

I mean, that’s true, but still, this situation is pretty weird.

Your zippers down and your cock is trying to burst free from the small hole, but it isn’t taking. You struggle to pull away, but the Succubus just pulls you back in, biting down on your pants’ buttons and ripping right off. 

All it takes after that is pulling your underwear down and your cock bursts free, almost smacking her face. She doesn’t waste a second taking the cock in her mouth, and you cannot believe how wet and tight it is. 

Her lips suck on it until they’re wrapped tightly around your shaft, and her tongue smacks and drags along the tip as you moan. Her hand lets go of your butt and slips under your top, rubbing your tummy as you see pink hearts dance in her amber eyes.

Her hand is still holding yours, and you feel her thumb rubbing against your skin as she pulls her face off of your dick. It pops out, and her hand grabs the base, slowly stroking it up and down as she looks at you.

“Y-yes. I’m sucking your cock. It feels good, doesn’t it?” You swallow spit down as she swallows your precum. “P-put your hand on my head.”


“Pat my fucking head, you goody little two shits! Now!” You obey, moving more out of a basic, animalistic need to feel pleasure. Her hand’s pace moves faster as you place a hand on her soft hair, stroking and patting it as she cries out. “Oh, fuck! T-treat me tenderly! Treat me like a person! Love me you fucking pussy fucking, cunt smashing fucknut! Oh, I-I-I’m your little love bug!” 

Her head went back down on your cock, loudly sucking on it as her drool spilled out of her mouth. It dripped down onto her breasts as her head bounced back and forth, moving so far down that her lips brushed against her fingers at the base of your dick. 

At this point she could have called you a cow-tipping, rhombus-headed, orange farmer, and you would have agreed. Her tongue stretches out of her mouth, moving in a way that no human could replicate. 

It coils around your shaft until the tip of her tongue brushes against your pubic hair. It caresses each side of your member as she continues to bounce her head back and forth, and you lean forward, almost crumpling onto the ground.

She ends up holding you up, keeping you standing as the loud slurps and choking gags fill your ears. It’s more than just her lips and mouth. It must be her Succubus nature. It’s driving you nuts. Like some kind of other wordly pressure on your heart and mind and body.

You feel your pressure points and nerves being set on fire. You feel your mind melting as her amber eyes stare into yours, gazing at you through pink, glittery filters. You can’t imagine what’s going through her mind, but the way she’s staring at you is with a devotion and love that’s almost terrifying. 

She grabs you by yours hips and falls back, and you let out a loud grunt as your face hits the ground. She places both of her hands around your body, squeezing you against her and stuffing your entire dick down her mouth. 

You can’t do anything to stop yourself from cumming. You place both of your hands on her head, placing it like a pillow between her and the dirt. Your fingers coil into her hair, holding her tight as you cum down her throat.

It is easily the greatest orgasm of your life. 

You can’t help but cry out as you cum down her throat. She cums right after, the vibrations of her moans and screams traveling up your erection and making your body quiver. She came just from sucking your dick, and it is only after her orgasm ends does she release you. 

You roll off of her body, panting as your dick slowly shrinks back to normal. You ride the mental high you’re having, staring into the purple sky. You struggle to catch your breath as you hear the Succubus’ breathing beside you. 

Is that shame you feel? Desire? Whatever it is, it’s mixed with confusion. What the hell just happened? You try to make sense of it, but your mind feels dizzy as struggle to get up.

The Succubus coughs, and you turn your head to look at her. She’s licking her lips, picking up traces of cum. You look around, before realizing that most, if not all of it must have landed in her mouth for her to swallow. She lets out a quiet sigh as her lips curve into a smile. 

“Oh, love bug… The way you stroked my hair… You’re so gentle, so sweet. So lo-” She stops, blinking, and you sit up to see her eyes no longer have hearts in them. She blinks, before a dark, purple blush covers her face, just like it did in the start.

She sits up, eyes wide as she stares into the horizon. “W-what just happened?! No, no, no, that did not just happen! Pew! Pew!” She spits on the ground as she trembles. “I can’t believe I just… I just did sweet talk! Ew! What kind of sick pervert are you!?” she screams, pointing at you.

“Me? You’re the one that went crazy!”

“Only after you held my hand! What kind of freak holds a girl’s hand first time he sees her?! I’ve seen a lot of fucking in my life, b-but you have got to be the perviest you hand-holding degenerate!” 

You roll your eyes, shaking your head. Forget this. This woman’s obviously insane. You stand up on shaky, noodle-like legs and drag your feet forward. 

“H-hey, where are you going?!”

“To the next town,” you mutter.

You see your Bag of Holding on the ground, and you reach forward to pick it up, only to suddenly stop. You feel something pull on your leg and you look down, finding the Succubus holding onto your leg. She avoids your eyes as you growl.

“Let go.”

“N-now don’t be so quick to leave me here. Seriously… You just hold a girl’s hand and just up and leave? Who does that?”

“What?” You sigh, shaking your head. “You are insane.”

“Maybe by your standard, handholder,” she spits back, her voice holding a bit of fire again as she continues. “Look, I just… I wanted to offer a deal.”


“I haven’t had anything to eat for… a while. Your essence was pretty good, but I know I’m going to need more soon. So what if I accompany you?”

“You just threw yourself on my dick!” 

“You held my hand!” The Succubus shot back, glaring at you now. 

“What does-? What the hell are you even talking about?” you groan.

“Look, your sick kinks aside, we can make this work. I guard you from any Demis that may want you, and you give me more essence.”

So essence equals sperm. Good to know, you guess. 

“I’m not sure how good of a bodyguard you’d make if you’re beaten when someone holds your hand.”

“Well, most people aren't depraved enough to try such a thing!” She finally lets go of your leg, standing up so fast her breasts jiggle. She looks into your eyes, staring up at you as she crosses her arms under her tits, lifting them slightly. “Look, I’m pretty strong! I can protect you until you reach the next town!” 

Having a bodyguard would be nice, if she is as strong as she says. Course, she also wants sperm for her services. Are you willing to pay that toll? It wasn’t that bad, was it? It felt good, but… 

Well, she’s nuts. No doubts there, she is crazy. 

What do you do? You could reject her offer and just walk around the forest like you planned. It’d take a while, and you might be screwed if someone, or something, attacks you. 

You could take her services and go through the forest, instead. Make the long hike a quicker walk, and have some fun on the way with this nutjob...

Then there’s the option of accepting her help, but avoiding the forest all together. A bodyguard on a relatively safe path could be the path of least resistance. Might take a while, but still...