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Summary: Gildarts enjoys a threesome with Lucy and Juvia. Includes: Threesome, and cheating sex.



Gildarts grinned as he watched Lucy strip out of her clothes. The show was slow and sensual, with the blond doing her best to tease the two. Her hisp swayed side to side, her breasts bounced, and when she was done, Gildarts could feel just how excited Juvia was. 

“What do you think?” Lucy asked, groping herself for the two. 

The blue-haired woman was clinging to the older man, watching with bated breath as her chest jiggled slightly. She swallowed spit down as she stuttered out an answer. The young woman had never felt anything for Lucy in a sexual sense, especially not when she saw the woman as a rival for Gray’s heart, but here, in Gildarts’ arms, something changed in her.

She saw her rival in a new light, one that left her short of breath and hungry for more. She wanted to feel Lucy’s hands on her, to touch those breasts that she once hated so. Juvia wanted the beautiful woman almost as much as she wanted Gildarts. 

“Y-you’re gorgeous,” the woman muttered, hiding her scarlet face in Gildarts arms as the older man grinned.

“Mmm. Right back at you, Juvia. So, should we take this to the bed?” Lucy asked, and the man nodded his head. 

“Let’s.” Juvia and Gildarts rose up, and the two quickly dried their bodies off as they followed after Lucy. Neither bothered with clothes or hiding their naked bodies. All they cared about was enjoying themselves. Drowning in carnal, physical pleasure…

They entered the bedroom, and Gildarts was surprised to find the camera was already on and ready, aimed at the bed. “Planning on recording us, Lucy?” he asked, motioning to the camera.

“Of course. For your benefit, and ours.” Lucy looked at the naked Juvia and held a hand out to her. She motioned her over, and Juvia’s pale cheeks turned red as she walked forward. She knew what Lucy was thinking, and… she wanted the same. Juvia placed her hand in Lucy’s, and the two began their show.

The camera had a perfect view of the two, recording every second as they leaned in and met each other in the middle with a kiss. Gildarts, who was sitting on the edge of his bed, was also enjoying the show, watching the two beauties hold and caress one another like lovers.

Their lips pressed tightly against one another as their breasts pushed one another. Lucy had her hands on Juvia’s ass, squeezing and kneading the firm butt as the blue-haired woman wrapped her arms around Lucy’s neck, moaning slightly as Lucy’s tongue penetrated her lips.

Their tongues wrestled between their mouths as they fought for domination. Saliva dripped down between them, falling between their large breasts as Lucy moved her hands up Juvia’s back. She grabbed the blue-haired beauty’s breasts suddenly, and Juvia was trembling as Lucy pinched her nipples. 

Juvia almost fell to her knees as Lucy caught her, dipping her slightly as she pushed her tongue into Juvia’s mouth. Lucy made a show of dominating her, before breaking the kiss with a quiet gasp. The other woman was short of breath as they stared into each other’s eyes, before they both looked at Gildarts. 

He stared them with his fingers wrapped around the base of his cock, squeezing it, stroking it as he smiled at the two. They returned the gesture, licking their lips as they embraced one another. Their hard nipples poked each other as they both spoke.

“Fuck us, Master…”

He was only too happy to obey. He motioned them over, silently commanding to get onto the bed. “Lucy, you’re on top. Juvia, you’re on bottom.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Yes, Daddy!”

The two sexy women laid on the bed, facing one another as Gildarts sat behind them. He rubbed his erection against Lucy’s pussy first, humming to himself in thought. Lucy moaned out his name, before he dragged his penis down to Juvia, stroking the slit as she gasped and begged for his cock.

“Who to fuck first…?”

“M-me! Fuck me first,” Lucy pleaded.

“N-no, Master, fuck me. I still have so much to learn…”

The choice wasn’t an easy one, but eventually he did it. He took his cock and he pushed it into Lucy’s pussy, making the woman cry out as his dick filled her cunt once more. She trembled, biting her lower lip as she arched her head up.

“Oh, fuck…!”

“Ah, still just as tight, Lucy. You’ve got a great pussy,” he commented, moving a hand down to squeeze her ass, feeling the flesh spill from between his fingers.

“Ah! T-thank you, Master! It’s-ah! It’s all yours.” Moans began to interrupt Lucy, yet she wore a wide smile as her face turned red and her breasts pressed against Juvia. 

“Luckkyye!” Juvia squeaked as she felt familiar fingers stroking her pussy. She closed her eyes and moaned as a finger penetrated her, fingering in and out, thrusting at a random pace as she quivered. Sometimes it was slow, sometimes fast, and the total lack of control drove Juvia made as she smiled at her Master.

“T-thank you, Ma-aah-aster!” she panted, closing her eyes again as her body tried to push more of his fingers into her. 

“My pleasure, Juvia…”

The three fell into a rhythm for the moment. Gildarts kept thrusting his hips back and forth, balls slapping against Lucy’s body as his cock slammed into her. The blond was shaking with every thrust, bouncing, and rubbing her breasts against Juvia’s impressive rack. 

The two girls moaned as they stared into each other’s eyes, their fingers stroking the other’s backs as they beamed. 

“Oh, fuuuck! He’s so good, Juvia!”

“I-I know! Ah, hurry up and cum, you slut, so I can feel his cock in me again!”

“You had your turn! I’ve been waiting all day for his-oooh! His cock…!” Lucy mewled, tongue hanging out of her mouth as her eyes nearly rolled into her skull.

Juvia pouted, before she decided to make the best of the situation. She was smiling as she placed a hand on the back of Lucy’s head, bringing their lips mere centimeters apart. The blue-haired woman spoke, her breath tracing her ‘rival’s’ lips.

“Is this what you had in mind when you told me to go to Gildarts?” Juvia doubted Lucy could lie with that cock currently pounding her soaking wet pussy.

Lucy gave a toothy smirk as she nodded her head. “Heh. Yeah… I just knew he’d love pounding your p-pussy!” she trembled, feeling Gildarts’ cock kiss her sweet spot. The hit made her body tremble as her full weight fell on Juvia. 

Juvia embraced Lucy, their lips so close as Juvia grinned. The wet pounding of Gildarts fucking Lucy, the slapping of their bodies hitting, and Gildarts’ finger thrusting in and out of Juvia’s bodies. These sounds filled the room as the summoner moaned out a few more words.

“Natsu has my heart, but I can’t live without Gildarts’ cock anymore! Ah! I need-ahhh... I need it!”

“I understand, Lucy. I feel the same way about Gray, I think.” Juvia mashed her lips against Lucy’s. The kiss was rough, dominating, almost painful, yet Lucy moaned against Juvia’s lips loudly, grinding their bodies together as Gildarts watched them.

He loved seeing the beautiful women kiss. It made him feel so damn knowing they were putting on a show for him. No other guy could get them to act this way, and he intended on burning the image of them kissing into his mind and keeping it with him to his grave…

Gildarts suddenly pulled his cock out of Lucy, and the blond whined in protest as he slammed his dick into Juvia instead. The woman moaned with joy, squeezing Lucy’s body into her own as the older man fucked her. He showed no mercy, pounding her even harder than he did Lucy. 

He so loved watching her body quiver and shake. He could only imagine the way her ass would bounce and ripple with every pounding thrust he gave her. He grabbed onto Lucy’s ass, swinging his hand down to slap one side as he kept pounding Juvia.

Juvia seemed to like it when he spanked Lucy. Every time he did, her pussy would squeeze tighter around his shaft, rubbing her soft, hot walls against his member. He groaned in response, before bringing his hand down on Lucy’s behind again and again.

The naughty, little blond had her entire ass painted red by the time Gildarts pulled out his dick and slammed it back into wealthy little wizard. Lucy’s cries of pain quickly turned into moans of pleasure. She slipped her hands between her and Juvia’s bodies, pinching the other woman’s nipples, twisting them and making Juvia’s moans meld with hers. 

Gildarts grabbed Lucy by her hips, moving like a blur at this point as his cock pressed against her G-spot. He knew exactly how to fuck the woman since their first time, and he did everything he could to drive her wild on his cock. His penis pulsed inside of her, throbbing as it came closer and closer to orgasm.

Lucy could feel herself about to cum, only to gasp and whimper as Gildarts pulled out of her womanhood. “Turn around and face me,” he commanded, and they obeyed. 

The two sat up, letting their chests face one another as they turned to look at the dominant man. Just in time to be hit with jets of cum. Gildarts gave his cock a couple of strokes and he came on the top, shooting streams of his seed onto their faces.

Despite the surprise, neither woman seemed particularly upset about the white shower. They moaned and shuddered, embracing one another, pressing their tits together as cum trickled down their face. Some fell down onto Lucy’s lips and she licked it up as some fell onto Juvia’s breasts, and slipped between her large breasts.

The two rubbed against one another, wiping cum onto each other as Gildarts grinned. 

“Lucy, you’re going to ride my cock. Juvia, you get to sit on my face and feel my tongue on your pussy.”

“Yes, Master,” the two mewled, obeying his command once more as he laid down on the bed.

The three got into position, and Gildarts didn’t waste time pleasuring them. He felt Lucy fall onto his cock as he began to lick and suck on Juvia’s wet slit. He listened to both women moan as Lucy bounced up and down his shaft and Juvia ground her pussy against his face.

Both women were moaning and screaming. Lucy’s pussy squeezed his shaft, stroking the sides of it as his tip pushed against her nerves, driving her body wild. Meanwhile Juvia was groping herself, pinching her own nipples as the older man’s tongue dragged along the inside of her cunt.

The three were lost to the pleasure, but they could still hear the distinctive ring of Juvia’s phone. Gildarts froze, pushing Juvia’s pussy away from his mouth as the two women looked at one another. Juvia used her magic to create a tendril of water, picking up the phone from her clothes and bringing it back to her with ease. 

She looked at it with wide eyes. “Gray…?” Gildarts grinned at the news, smirking as he commanded her.

“Answer it.”

Juvia’s finger hung over the screen, before sliding across it, obeying her Master’s command. “H-hello~o!” Juvia couldn’t stop herself from moaning as Gildarts’ tongue dragged along her pussy, driving her wild for a moment.

“Hey, Juvia. Just wanted to talk...” 


Gildarts showed no mercy, licking and kissing Juvia’s pussy, listening to the woman moan as Lucy slid up and down the shaft. The sound of his cock pounding her soaking cunt was clear to everyone in the room, yet Gray seemed ignorant. 

“Yeah. About last night. I just want you to know I’m not mad about what you did.”

“That’s-ahh! That’s wonderful, G-Gra-aay!”

Lucy saw what her Master was doing and she joined in with a wicked grin. She leaned forward, raising her hips still to slam her body against Gildarts, before wrapping her lips around Juvia’s nipple and sucking on it. Juvia moaned loudly, gasping and panting as she stared at the ceiling. 

The phone almost fell from her hand as Gildarts sucked on her pussy lips, and Lucy’s teeth gently nibbled on her hard nipple. The blond’s hand even groped Juvia’s chest, earning another moan out of her.

“So, I was wondering… If you want to do it again?”

“I-it? Oh! Y-yes, I understand!” Juvia couldn’t stop herself from screaming. Every time the old man rubbed against her, the way his tongue tasted and kissed her pussy, even the feeling of his facial hair against her skin, all of it drove her wild as she neared closer and closer to cumming.

“Juvia? You alright?”

“Y-ye-ah!” Jvuai gasped, biting her lower lip as Lucy’s tongue brushed against her nipple. The blond glanced up at her friend with a smirking grin. Juivia sucked in air between her lips, before she tried to answer as well as she could. “I would love to be with you again, Gray. Just text me when and where and I’ll be there.” 

Before Juvia could hear any response, she hung up the phone and dropped it. Then she placed a hand on Lucy’s head, pressing her against Juvia’s large breast, forcing the tit into the blond’s mouth. 

“Naughty bitch…”


Gildarts chuckled below them, before he grabbed at Juvia’s legs and held her close against his face, Juvia only had enough time to gasp, before she was writhing in pleasure. His tongue smacked against and pushed into her pussy like mad, slapping against her wet folds as Ljucy doubled her efforts to bounce on the throbbing, veiny cock.

It happen in one miraculous moment. The two women felt their orgasm fast approaching, and Lucy broke free from Juvia’s grip to grab the woman by her shoulders. Lucy pulled her into a kiss and their lips mashed together, tongues wrestling as they moaned into each other’s mouths. 

His tongue and cock were both inside them, and both screamed as they came on the man old enough to be their father. Juvia sprayed her juices onto the man’s face as Lucy’s pussy wrapped tightly around his dick. She squeezed tightly on the erection, and it made the man cum right after her. 

Sperm filled her pussy, flooding her womb and coating the walls with his thick seed. Gildarts moaned as he came, sending more vibrations into Juvia, driving the already sensitive lover into another orgasm. 

Eventually things moved on. Hours passed, but Gildarts was still lying on the bed. The two cum covered sluts were giving him a blowjob as his hands stroked their heads. One hand each was on the dick, while another was in the other girl. They were fingering each other as quickly as they could, both moaning as they licked the member.

Their tongues would meet, yet neither pulled away. They just kept dragging their tongues up and down the shaft. 

Lucy only stopped to pull her hand away from Gildarts. She picked up her phone and returned to kissing the dick, making loud smacking sounds against it as she stared into Gildarts’ eyes. 

Without even looking, Lucy began to text her boyfriend. 

‘Gonna be late coming home. Love ya.’ With the text sent, the blond could now give her complete attention to her man. 

“There. Now I’m all yours.” Lucy leaned forward to lick Gildarts’ tip, but Juvia opened her mouth, freeing the piece of cock she had. She lifted herself up and leaned in with Lucy. 

Both women opened their mouth, smacking their tongues against Gildarts, back and forth, faster and faster, both moaning out his name or title.

Soon, he was cumming from the perfect pleasure. He gasped as his cock throbbed, and he leaned his head back. 

Cum rained down on the pair, splattering against their faces. They moaned with joy, feeling their Master’s seed slowly trickling and sliding down their features as each other’s fingers drove them to cum. Both women were quivering as their eyes rolled up, and they rode a wild roller coaster into pleasure unimaginable. 

The two pressed their sides against one another as they opened their mouths, letting cum slide into their mouths where their tongues waited to taste the thick batter. Gildarts smiled with approval as the two women looked at him with unfocused, shimmering eyes. 

They swallowed the cum in their mouths, before uttering the same thing. They beamed at him as they uttered, “Thank you, Master…”


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