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Hi, all! Here's the update now that I have a moment to breathe!

Rewards: I have sent out the official Patreon rewards. For those who are new, these are freebies you can get from me as you accumulate pledges over time. This process is not automated, so if you think I missed you, comment below. Messaging me triples the time it takes to figure out if I missed you and I might not see it for weeks.

Of special note, the Amber Audiobooks have officially set sail into the distance as we get ready for a relaunch of the series in Audiobook form. No legit service should be offering those, as that would create a contract violation that would land me in hot water. 

While I'll miss the Amber versions, I am excited for the series to finally catch up to the physical releases. The first would actually be out already if not for reasons I can't discuss (background contract stuff that just took longer than expected). Last I heard, Book 2 is officially under production and we can expect Books 3 and 4 to be out by Sept/Oct. I'm hoping that either later this month or early August, you can plug your ear holes with the vocal talents of Alyssa Poon and Evan Jordan. Alyssa has done the audiobooks for Solar Dragons Need Love Too by Virgil Knightley, and Evan Jordan is Eli Hearthsong from my very own Master Class!

Speaking of Master Class, book three releases in just 20 days, so we're busy making sure that is ready. Preorders for Succubus Summoner 2 were launched last week, so if you enjoyed the first, definitely check those out. As a reminder to people who ask me several times a month, Master Class and Succubus Summoner are KU exclusives, meaning they won't be sold anywhere else. I know that might frustrate some of you, but it is SIGNIFICANTLY building my presence on Amazon and creating passive income. This is a good thing, because that means my transition to full time status will be much smoother come later this fall.

For anyone curious, Master Class Book 1 alone made me more money on Amazon last month than all 4 HFHM books COMBINED. And that's even after splitting royalties with Virgil. So I will be continuing to split my efforts between HFHM and other new stories to build a presence on Amazon similar to the one I have on Lit.

Artwork: I am seriously behind on art and apologize. I will admit that the last couple months have been extremely busy, and I've had a few emotional hits. Nothing major, but when I get knocked down, I take solace in the act of writing. So my free moments all went toward making sure I get my words down for the day, and I absolutely dropped the ball on Artwork and some other stuff. I know a few people have noticed that I'm not as active on Discord, but it's for the same reasons.

Free Sites: Just a reminder that I publish the free chapters to these places. If you use any of these websites to read my stories, make sure you leave ratings and comments. I still haven't gotten much traction on Scribblehub or Archive, which means I'm not being 'discovered' by new readers there. Just a thought.

That's all for now. I'm off to go shove words into a google-doc and hope they make sense. Have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you on the flip side!




Good to read that the Summoner Series makes money! Are there plans for real books though? You know, i love my hardcovers :P Looking forward to the new audio books :)


What's my accumulation up to when you get the time


Have you looked into RoyalRoad as an option for your stories? Not sure how they handle erotic works.

michigan man

i just looked and i'm up to $27 looking forward so i should be in the first tier. and soon the second

Jason D

I've been generally loving all your work for some time now but I am absolutely agog that HFHM isn't topping the charts! Absolute travesty! Keep up the great work. I'm ever so glad things are hitting their stride


You rock, thank you for the awesome content!