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HI, all! It's poll time again!

Highest score wins! Lowest score...nothing happens, honestly.

Mike & Doctor Zel;

Mike groaned as Zel cleaned away the dry blood on the back of his head. He sat on a table in her yurt, and she was now using tweezers to check his wound. Last night, he had faded in and out of consciousness as the centaurs rushed him to their camp for medical treatment. When he woke up this morning, it was to discover that his head was bandaged so heavily that he had worried that he had died and been mummified, only to awaken years later now that there was a new Caretaker.

"Why? Is something wrong?" He reached a hand back to feel the wound, then thought better of it.

"On the contrary. You had a fairly deep gash back there last night and I used stitches to close it up. This morning, the gash is raw and scabbed over, but it's superficial and doesn't need to be held together any longer." The centaur frowned. "I could have sworn it was worse last night."

Storyteller Quetzalli;

A small basket had been turned upside down to create a stool for the woman, and she sat on it now, surrounded by a small crowd of youngsters. Once they were close enough, he could hear her speaking to them, her voice rich with a Spanish accent.

"...and when Huitzilopochtli defeated his brothers, he cast them into the sky where they became the stars!" Quetzalli dramatically threw a handful of dirt above the youngsters, who let out screams of laughter and then bolted out from underneath the debris. The dragon laughed along with them until her dark, purple eyes met his.

Tink Teasing Kisa;

"Check for what?" Kisa stepped back and slipped, then lost her balance. She slid off the railing, her hands outstretched, and grabbed onto one of the balusters, her feet now dangling over open space. Despite a tight grip, she slid toward the bottom of the railing, her feet dangling over open space.

"Tink polish most of railing three days ago," the goblin explained as she walked down the hall. "Nice and smooth. Use best oil, but run out of time. Did floors last week, too. No good for climbing."

Kisa squirmed, and was able to let go and swing her hand up to the next baluster over. She continued this process until she finally reached one that didn't feel like it had been polished like glass.

"You almost killed me," she said with a hiss.

"Not Tink fault cat is dumb. Railing made for hands, not paws." Tink had pulled a device from her toolbox and plugged it into an outlet in the hallway.

Fairy Sex;

"Mmm," Olivia said, hovering above his crotch and licking her lips. She descended and ran her tongue all along the head of his cock, then mounted him. Mimicking the process the others were doing, his glans now shimmered with fairy lube.

Olivia grabbed onto his foreskin and opened her mouth wide. The body of a fairy could be stretched, and her mandibles spread apart to allow her human mouth to stretch. It looked similar to a snake trying to swallow a basketball, and he had to bite his lip to keep from laughing when her whole head expanded to accommodate him. She looked just like a cartoon character that had inflated its head to float away. She moaned, then used her legs to push away from him



Just can t get enough of Tink and Kisa