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I am so happy to today to announce that the fifth Architect has stepped forward from the shadows!

Robert Hawk has been with me since nearly the beginning, and I have often. thought of him as the Mr. Miyagi to my Daniel Larusso (without all the martial arts). Many of you don't know it, but there were at least two separate occasions where I was literally losing sleep over early versions of the stories. Comments on Lit were divisive about how I should be writing, got a couple of mean emails, etc.

Anyway, on at least two (most likely more), Robert would just message me out of the blue to say "Hey. Things are looking great. I really like how you're handling X." (I would look these up if the messaging system wasn't really bad on my end). There was one time I was literally contemplating rewriting an entire chapter to change a crucial plot point and he messaged me about a decision I had already made. I actually looked over my shoulder, it was pretty spooky.

Robert, may your home always be warm and full of laughter. May your books never lose their new book smell, and may you always find the same solace and wisdom in comforting words that you have given me.

All hail the 5th Architect! 

P.S. I am behind on these because I had to replace the animation software, so bear with me as I slowly catch up.

Also, I am behind on life. This will likely be a one chapter month as I take some time for myself to get ready for the final push to full time status. 




I would much rather have you rested, full of sazzle and fizz than burnt out and empty. Take the summer vacation you need and don't worry about posting chapters that is forced out if you don't feel like it


Taking time for yourself is a good idea. Don't worry about cranking out a lot of words until you have yourself in a good place.


Enjoy some time off. Would rather you take the time, get your mind right and give us a better story, than push it out too quickly and it ends up rushed!


I truly appreciate the kind words, it made me tear up a little. I haven't been as active with my comments as a beta reader for awhile but other than grammar you really seem to have it handle. It is really a writers prerogative if you want to follow proper grammar anyway depending on the character etc. It has been fun watching you grown as a writer and I can't wait to see you embrace it as a full time career


I bow my head in respect to the architect.


'May your books never lose that new book smell'. That's friendship. Right there. I love that one :-) Enjoy life, enjoy summer.

Robert Mayo

I wholeheartedly agree with Loqi and Robert Hawk. It isn't up to me to tell an author how to write the story. I get all my joy from reading the story the author wants to tell. Personally, I would rank Annabelle with some of my favorite sci-fi writers, such as Azimov and Heinlein. Her stories are so compelling, I have come to dread the day when the story ends. ☹️


Congratulations Robert!