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Hi all! You know the drill, help me choose which scene becomes Special Edition lore! This will be a tough vote, so choose wisely!

Tink Murders the Rat King

Tink’s movements seemed clumsy at first, but Mike realized that she was swinging the club hard enough that her whole body moved with it. She was using her entire body as a counterweight, allowing her swings to carry her around in a steadily growing circle. The first rat that made it to her was smashed, its limp body colliding with the one behind it. Tink was vicious, bringing the club around to kill those brave enough to get near her.

“And Tink hate you!”

Her wild swings had placed her in the center of the room, fifteen feet from the Rat King. She twisted the handle of the club and the metal pieces sprung outward, unfolding to reveal a thick hole in the top of the club. Several lenses flicked across her field of view, her goggles glowing from within. She fell onto her back, using her feet to aim the club at the Rat King.

She yanked on a metal latch and a harpoon, roughly half the length of the club, launched out of the opening, piercing the Rat King through the chest and pinning him to his chair. His eyes were frozen wide in surprise, the chamber now completely silent.


Jenny/Janey gets Freaky

side to side in the stocks.

“I’m just a stranger passing through.” In the swirling darkness, he heard the canned cheers of a studio audience and they were now visible, silhouettes tightly clumped together. He fought the urge to roll his eyes. “Would you like some help?”

“Mine is not a plight that I can escape from. It is the Lord’s will.” She fluttered her eyes at him. “But perhaps the Lord has something else in mind for me?”

The stocks slowly rotated as if on a giant pedestal. Her ass was on display for him now, and she wiggled it enticingly.

“Um… yes. Yes He does.” Again the audience applauded, and Beth clapped her hands as well. He walked up to Jane and placed his hands on her waist.

The connection was instant. Cold spikes sunk into his flesh, Jenny’s paranormal energy washing through him. It was the same sensation as letting a limb fall asleep for too long and then waking it up, the nerve clusters all firing at once. The energy circled through his body and focused on his groin, his cock immediately springing to attention.

“Um, Jane? What was that?”

When she spoke, her voice was a higher pitch. “Begin at the beginning, and go on until you come to the end. Then stop.” He thought it odd that she would say it that way, but It sounded like good advice. She sighed when he pulled up her skirt, exposing the creamy skin of her ass. She wasn’t wearing any undergarments, which Mike felt was probably not very period authentic.

He ran his fingers across the back of her legs, then gave her butt a playful swat. Unable to move away, Jane let out a yelp. He swatted her again, but harder this time, then rubbed the skin where he had smacked her.

“You really are a naughty little spirit, aren’t you?” He smacked her again. “Caught in the stocks with nowhere to go?”

“Mmm, I love it!” Her voice was Jane again, a full octave lower. “Please traveler, help me finish out my life with no regrets!”



These votes are always so close


No brainer!! 😆


Jenny needs more fun to lighten up ^.^


Yeah, I was going to vote 'Jenny', but when I saw the tide go her way so strongly,.. I just had switch my vote to our horny little green Tourettes sufferer, GO TINK!!! ttfn


Tough choice. They are both perfectly awesome scenes.


It's not even the sex for me. Jenny's backstory and the way it was told being so chaotic in nature was superb.