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Hi all!

How the fuck is it already the 19th of April?!?

Anyway, I am very hard at work at trying to get everything done. I just finished updating the Hall of Caretakers, so if you actually commented on the January post, make sure you check to see if I placed you correctly. That took me a good hour+ and that was with the simplified method!

C. 68 is with Beta readers right now. I am sooooo busy that I'm not sure if a second chapter will happen this month. I've started writing it, but my writing schedule has collapsed completely. That's life, still writing books faster than GRR Martin (I need to find the upside).

Also, edits slammed to a halt with Book 3. Hoping to resume those once I have some semblance of sanity. Expecting D&H to come in, and Amber swears she is emailing me some chapters to review. So, you know, everything happens at once.

Was informed this morning that we finally worked out a technical issue with the Last of Her Kind Hardcover, so that will be live on Amazon in the next 48 hours.

Thanks for all your support, I'll hopefully see you with a finished chapter soon!



I just know that you'll resist being asked to back off a tad on your hectic work schedule and get a bit more rest,.. (laughs quietly to myself),.. but do take good care of one of my very favorite Authors! Wishing you many hugs and kisses to brighten your day, and ease your load,.. take care Annabelle, you are getting there girl,.. congratulations are only slightly early,.. but the handwriting IS on the wall! ;-) TTFN


Yes, time flies inexorably, you seem to be, as always, all in work and deeds, I am sure that you can find time for everything.