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Hi all!

You may remember from a few weeks back, I put up a donations link at the request of a few readers. If there's one thing I've always done, it's to find a way to reinvest your generosity into patron awards, fun surprises, and most important, building a legacy.

Due to some very generous donations, my publisher and I sat down and discussed moving ahead with the next step in that process. We are launching our newest website in order to finish the foundation necessary for the next step.

While I absolutely adore my monster girls, it's my hope that someday Wet Leaf Press can help you discover other amazing stories that have the same standard of quality that I've tried to set the bar for.  This isn't something that will happen in the short term, but we want the infrastructure there for when it happens.

So why does a new website matter so much? Because it's the official Wet Leaf Press store. Its first products are my ebooks, and they have a discount on them until the end of May.

Why should I care, I already have your books? You may ask. We started the web store for a few reasons:

1. You hate Amazon. Now you can buy directly from us without supporting Amazon.

2. You hate Paypal. We accept credit card, Nano and will incorporate other cryptos.

3. You want to support me more directly. Other than payment fees (thru Woocommerce), nobody else is getting a cut.

And last but not least

4. You want shit that you can't get anywhere else.

We are doing a soft launch with the website right now. We've run a few tests, everything seems to be working for now, but I'm sure we will find issues. Once we have those issues ironed out, we will be able to integrate shipping into the sight and offer for sale the super elusive autographed hardcopies.

That's right, we are setting up a way to do autographed copies! On occasion, I will announce that a batch of autographed books are popping up for sale on the website, which means you will want to mosey on over to get your happy hands on one before they go out of stock!

Eventually, this website will also become a place to discover new authors and buy their books while supporting them a little more directly. While I will still continue to publish on other platforms, Wet Leaf Press will become the place to get the best deals and potentially one-of-a-kind sales.

So feel free to head on over and take a peek. If you see something weird on the site, feel free to use the contact form, which will go to the Head Goblin (who is definitely not an Arachne).

Thanks to your generosity over the years, I've been able to accomplish what I used to think was impossible. In the days ahead, I can't wait to see what our new impossible looks like.




I'm all for it! I've been slowly working on starting a small publishing company for my works and the task seems insanely daunting at times. If you'll have me and I ever get my books in what I feel is good enough for compiling into a finalized book, I'd like to be one of those authors.


And to think that all of this started with a story about a nymph and a magic house you didn't think anyone would like. It's wonderful to see things in the real world growing and expanding for you like how things grow and expand in your monster world. Please give my regards to Head Goblin for helping to make your writing dreams come true.


It's great! I can confidently say it definitely had to be done! Despite the problems that may turn out to be, I'm sure everything will go as it should!


Will WetLeafPress become a platform where we can purchase your audiobooks, do you think?

Annabelle Hawthorne

That's something that we are looking into, yes! It turns out you can't just sell a file that large. We have a couple of options we are exploring, but once we believe we have something good lined up, we will be asking Audible to break our exclusivity agreement. If you have any suggestions, please let us know!


That is awesome! I’m proud of everything you’ve accomplished over the years and happy to have been here supporting you through it all. Maybe someday I’ll be worthy of having a book on your site 🥰


I am so looking forward to getting all of my Annabelle Hawthorne autographed books directly from you! You are moving along at a pretty darn good clip. Keep it up! ;-) TTFN


I don't know much about web design. Could you make the payment allow access to a page of the site where you can download the file?

Annabelle Hawthorne

So, technically we could. But it would be the same link for everyone. So one person could buy the book and share the link with everyone they know. That's why so many audiobook commerce sites are viable, because they protect the work from getting stolen. Yeah, people can download and distribute anyway, but it's much easier to prove that it's stolen when it's shared somewhere else versus just downloading the source file from the original website.


Why not an arachne to run the bookstore? She was a librarian, and her daughter is a webmaster/hacker! ..... OR ... maybe Sophia, the ultimate librarian!