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Hi all!

I've been conspicuously absent for several IRL reasons. I will try to maintain brevity while filling you in on everything going on right now off the top of my head.

1. I sent out awards letters just now. If you're new, you might have no idea what I'm talking about. They are freebies you earn based on how much you've pledged over time. Here's the current list. Patreon sorting is a bit of a mess, so I may have missed you! Just comment below (please don't message me, I literally have thousands of them now) and I can get you sorted lickity-split.

The big stuff is the special edition books which have a Patron exclusive chapter seen nowhere else at the very end. Awesome, right? Oh, and an illustration in every chapter, so that's cool, too.

2. Yes, I missed April Fools. I had something planned and it fell through. Oh well.

3. I plan to update Hall of Caretakers soon. Last time I did it, Patreon was debugging stuff and I had to give up, because it was taking me WAAAAY too long to see pledge amounts. Like, a couple minutes per person. Bleh.

4. Kat is still doing chapter art, I will have another poll soon.

5. Audiobook 2 is still under production. I haven't heard from Amber, but she told me she had stuff to deal with. Will likely bug her soon enough.

6. Almost done with round one edits of Book 3. I expect to get Round one edits D&H in the next week or so. Yikes!

7. Chapter sixty eight of HFHM will likely post a bit late this month. I haven't had time to work on it this week because life. Nothing bad, but I still do the bulk of my writing after a long day (no joke, I think the last two chapters were written completely in bed before drifting off).

8. Hardcover of Last of Her Kind releasing soon.

If you haven't yet, go check out the Discord channel. It's gotten far more active of late, and it's a great place for readers of all walks of life to chat with each other about the story and just enjoy each others company. Somehow, it's approaching a thousand people, but remains relatively quiet. The mods are doing a phenomenal job of keeping the peace.

Sorry this update is so short on content, but I have to go start cooking pasta! I have a HUGE announcement to make in the next couple of days, so keep your eyes peeled! Stay amazing!



Well I'm glad it's just busy stuff and nothing bad. Take care!


Not sure where I'm "supposed" to be on the rewards list with regards to what I have already received.


I was so distracted by the idea of you cooking pasta that I almost missed that there will be a HUGE announcement coming. lol


I want to tell Annabelle to go get some needed rest, but I want see the next chapter sooner, rather than later. So, sleep vs writing time,.. it's a tough choice, but Annabelle is pretty much a lovely, one of a kind author, that really dotes on her fans/readers, so I vote for her health and happiness. But I am still not sure if that means sleep or writing, as she does love the writing,.. I guess I'll just wish her the best and go on about my business. Have a great day Annabelle, hugs and kisses to you sweetie! l-) TTFN


I did some quick math and it looks like you should have 4 new architects some time this year


Hi Annabelle. Could you check on how much I've pledged in total? I think I am eligible for some rewards, thanks!

Annabelle Hawthorne

About that, I keep emailing new architects about their prize, and then hearing nothing. If my math is correct, only a third of architects have actually responded and received artwork


Hello, I counted up my contributions for the first time in a while, and by my count I've contributed $66 in total. I don't know if this puts me in a new rewards bracket, or if you already had me at that level, but I thought I'd let you know.


I figured there should be more, I am close and there are three more ahead of me.


Missed me I think!


I just did the math and I think I’m at 96. Maybe you’ve sent me something in the past but I didn’t know it? How are they sent? Sorry for being clueless.


Found it. Spoke too soon.


Ok, I'm over the $100 mark now so I should be eligible for the $15, $30, $50, $100 rewards and the "Artisan Caretaker" Rank. I hope to support a lot more soon and reach the Architect rank.