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Hi all!

This is just a quick post regarding the Hall of Caretakers.

What is it? It's a this 

How do I get on it? Follow the directions below

For those of you in the know, the Hall of Caretakers is a way to achieve Caretaker immortality. All you have to do to be in the hall is opt in, it is not an automatic thing

That being said, current Caretakers should know that I have no good way to keep track of you and maintain it automatically. Last time I tried, it was almost two hours of looking through people one at a time and double checking your contributions vs the name you want on the wall (etc). 

So if you are currently on the wall, you have to follow these directions:

Comment below with "I am already on the wall as [Caretaker name]." 

Even if you don't know if you've leveled up, I can just scroll down the page and check your pledge value. Easy peasy for me, takes me a few seconds to check per person.

If you are not currently on the wall but want to be, follow these directions:

Comment below with "I would like to be on the wall as [Caretaker name].

The naming convention is to use some variant of your name or your Patreon name. Obviously stuff like celebrities, political slogans (etc) will be ignored. The exception to this rule is if you are somehow actually that celebrity (Ryan Reynolds, you out there?). Also keep in mind that this page shows up in search engines, and has tanked at least one job interview to my knowledge.

Also, if you have a common name, you may need to tweak it. For example, if you want to go by John, look and see if someone else is already John. Then become John S. or something similar so I can tell you apart.

I will be checking this page until the end of January, 2021. I will not check again after that, so if you want in, make sure to comment below. This is a fun bonus, but it does take some time to maintain, so I only do it every few months. The only exception to this is Caretakers already on the wall, you can always message me if you think you went up a level and want the recognition, no problem.

That's all from me, I am off to do some edits. Take care!



I want to be on the wall as DevilDoc


I would like to be on the wall as .... Y Ddraig Goch


I'm on the wall as minix42


I am already on the wall as Rat Norare

Mordrid Prime

I am already on the wall as Mordrid Prime


I would like to be on the wall as Chris H.


I am already on the wall as Lobokendo


I'm on the wall, hungriest hippo


I am not and would like to be on the wall as "Lenny20". Thanks!


I'd like my name remain the same


I would like to be on the wall as "lord Lee".

Philip Lemon

I would like to be on the wall as ... “Philip A”