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Hi all!

Okay, so some important updates in this one, but first the following:


1. Rewards have been sent

2. What are rewards? These 

3. The process isn't automated. Mistakes were made. If you did not get a reward letter, you must comment below. It doesn't hurt my feelings, and I can literally check your rewards by hovering over your name and then message you. Please don't message me, the inbox here is a disaster zone.

Okay, next up:


For you new people (welcome, by the way), the updates is as close to a blog as you're gonna get from me, so these are great to read if you care about what's coming up. 

First, thanks again to everyone for your patronage last year. I only got the one chapter out last month, and because I've been saving my quarters, it didn't hit my bank account nearly as hard when I was unable to get a second chapter written. I'm not suffering for cash, but a couple of months like that will delay funding for future projects (audiobook, etc).

So here is where we are on writing status. I am struggling right now to find the time to do it. Without going into detail, it is Covid related (none of the Hawthornes are sick, don't worry), but until life gets back to whatever passes for normal, I am literally writing whenever I get more than a couple free minutes, which isn't often. Unfortunately, this isn't an issue that can be fixed with higher pledges (like reaching my full time writer goal), so this is a significant stressor on top of everything else going on. 

So what I am saying here is that I'm going to keep doing my best. I am closing in on being finished with Chapter 62's rough draft, and I think some of you are going to be extremely pleased with a couple of the characters who will star in this chapter, because it means they will feature throughout the book (like Dana, Beth and Kisa did last book).

Last of Her Kind is officially releasing in a week (Jan 19th). The preorder for the ebook can be found here. It will be available in paperback and potentially hardcover (if I get my shit together). It will also be available as an ebook through B&N (etc), it just may take some extra time to propagate to those websites.

As for this month's artwork, I chose a character that has no real artwork because I need her for the inevitable trailer of Labyrinth's audiobook. I am also going to have Kat start doing work on art for the special edition of Book 3.

Book 3 initial edits got to me yesterday. Lyss (the editor), apparently loves the story and is sufficiently devastated by the Yuki/Emily storyline.  These are developmental edits, so round 1 of 3. With my wrecked schedule, I'm not sure when I can attend to this, but it will eventually happen.

I've even toyed with *shudder* waking up early in the morning to get stuff done. Most of my work (like this letter) is being done when I am supposed to be going to sleep. Ah, the life of a writer.

On a completely random side-note, I did get a chance to communicate with the CEO of Patreon the other day. That was supposed to be an hour of writing, but I got an email that said "Hey creators, drop by the Creator discord and give me your ideas" and I dropped in before everyone else could and hit him with a bunch. He even put together a little newsletter of ideas that they liked and I'm on almost every page (stuff like an 18+ community, automated rewards system, etc). 

So that's where we are, monster-lovers. I'm off to go write about [redacted] and how she [redacted] and [redacted]. Hope to have exciting news for you in the near future!



Hugs and kisses to my favorite exhausted writer of erotic stories,.. get some sleep Annabelle and know that you have many fans that love what you do for them,... you're a real sweetheart! TTFN


Not sure if I was ment to receive a reward message or not, the last message I got was may last year. Either way I am loving the content you provide and the way you keep us up to date and involved in the process ❤️


I think you missed me.


I think you missed me


Not sure where I stand, and is there a way to give you a one time contribution of more money if it puts me over the next tier limit?

thomas rodrian

Sorry to hear the Covid news. Hope everything is better soon


Hi! I think I may be missing rewards. No idea what my actual level is, but July was the last time I recieved a message and I think I should have some other things based on what I got that time... Either way, love the stories! Best wishes and don't let the stress get you down! Thanks so much for the message you sent, now I know what my level I'm at! :) But I do need a new message sent for my current level as I appear to have missed the Special Edition 2 and Audiobook. I guess I must have crossed the threshold for them before their release and got missed when they released. (Thanks again in advance!)


Okay, we are waiting for your news and yet, yes, you are right, the coronavirus has affected the activities of people all over the planet not for the better. Well ... sigh ... hope for the best.


Hi! I think I might have been missing out on Tier 2 if I'm not mistaken....And thanks for the good read :-)

Annabelle Hawthorne

You aren't at the next tier quite yet. And sadly, as much as I would love to let people "top off," I have no real good way of doing record keeping for it. It would be a payment outside of Patreon, which keeps track of all the numbers. However, i will send you the amount you're short, so you can temporarily up your pledge if you need to so you get something new next month.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Like I said, my family is still healthy, so it's okay. They are the most important thing to me in the world, so they will always come first. Unfortunately, first right now requires less writing from me.


Can’t find a reward message....


I think I crossed to the next tier in December, but haven't recieved a message yet. Could be mistaking tho, was never good at math ;)