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Hi all!

I am super exhausted right now, but just got a text from the publisher that said "is your body ready?"

I will put the link down below, but first a couple of things.

1. The paperback edition is coming. I hope it is out by the time the ebook releases, but that's dependent on factors outside my control. So don't fret if you want it in book form, it's coming.

2. There won't be a special edition like with Home and Labyrinth. After having the cover artist die/vanish last year, I am WAY over-budget for this project already and need to devote energy to writing current chapters and the audiobook. I may put together a "Lost Edition" which will include the art that I got (I have about half the images), but that will have to wait because I am getting killed on time to work right now.

This project was a labor of love for me that started in 2018 as a short story that became something more. Thank you so much for your support and patience!

See it here: https://annabellehawthorne.com/books 




Fabulous. Can't wait for the ebook! Gonna preorder tomorrow when funds come in :) (click :D)


I am an OLD fashioned guy that loves the feel of a REAL book in my hands. So. I'll wait a week or three for the print version, yummy! Congrats Annabelle. you hard working sweetheart you, luv ya! TTFN


Pre-order clicked! Will get paperback when available! Happy New Year!


Congratulations on this event! I think it's great that the book will also be in paperback, as there is nothing more wonderful to have a book not in digital form, but in real!