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Hi all!

I remember back in the beginning of this year when I said that I was going to kick 2020's ass.

I would like to apologize for poking the bear.

Seriously, 2020 has been the worst in terms of, well, everything. I could gripe all day about all the bad things, but let's talk about some of the successes.

1. Radley's Labyrinth released, and I am already over a hundred reviews on Amazon! Thank you to everyone who purchased it, and extra big thanks to everyone who left me some stars. Not only does that help my visibility, but it also helps me stand out from a market that is always saturated with new content.

2. Special Edition 2 released. I am excited that this was finally done, because I enjoy making Patreon exclusive bonuses for you. Speaking of bonuses, it looks like plenty of you enjoyed Little Wicked's cosplay set. Depending on how next year goes, I may find a different cosplayer to do something similar, but I discovered that a notoriously high number of them are easily startled. Time will tell.

3. Last of Her Kind...did not release. I started the process in September, but the cover art was difficult to nail down. The e-files should be back any day now from the formatters, but I did receive an email this morning that there would be another delay due to a death in the family. So Last of Her Kind will be a January release, but it is actually coming out!

4. Speaking of coming out, that image above is a snapshot of the hardcover version of Radley's Home for Horny Monsters, which will also release in (maybe) January. That's a story in itself, but right now my publisher is waiting to receive the proof copy to see what changes need to be fixed. A hardcover edition has been heavily requested, and an opportunity came up to have one made, so we jumped on it.

As for Radley's Labyrinth, it will be getting a hardcover edition as well. The hardcovers are being designed to just look awesome on your shelf, so I am hoping to have one release with the third book when it comes out.

5. My Patreon is fairly healthy, and for that, I need to thank each and every one of you. It's been a rough year financially, but your ceaseless support has done wonders to keep the momentum going. I do push this money back into more content for you (such as the audiobook and art) because I want you all to feel like you are getting true value on my channel.

In a year full of negatives, those are all some really big positives.

Speaking of next year, I will be focusing solely on HFHM for a little bit. My writing schedule is absolutely fucked, and may not be fixed until Covid calms down in my area. It will be way easier to ride one train of thought than to bounce around. However, I do have my sights set on a new story that involves a spaceship and lasers (pew pew!), but you'll just have to wait and see what I come up with.

In 2021, I am hoping to see the release of Book 3, the 2nd audiobook, and maybe a surprise or two. I know that I'm super excited to keep bringing you exciting content, and I want to thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to share my weird little Universe with you.

So that being said, I will be tip-toeing quietly into 2021. Do not make direct eye contact, and definitely do not anger it. I want a good year for all of us.

Thanks again, both from Wet Leaf Press and the Hawthorne family! Happy New Year, and I will see you on the other side!!




Beautiful cover. How do you, as the author, not get a free copy?

Annabelle Hawthorne

The printer won't sell me copies at a discounted price, and I technically own the publishing company, so whatever I pay still comes out of my pocket. Authors rarely get free copies of their books unless they are big names (though they typically may get some advance copies for promo purposes). I've seen some contracts where the "free" copies are factored into their advance. You still have to pay someone to manufacture the book, and that costs money. For example, I can get my paperback for cost of printing plus shipping, which is very reasonable. But I cannot sell them myself at a good price, because of shipping. The lowest I could ever ship a book in the US is at around 4 bucks (which includes packaging). So if I buy a copy of my book at cost and ship it to you, I could "theoretically" price it at a dollar less and make the same amount of money. However, this doesn't factor in the time it takes to prepare the package and ship it (which I don't do--my publisher actually handles all shipping stuff).


Just chiming in that i will be needing a copy of the hardback too. :-) As for autographs, the logistics sound problematic for sure. Welp. I'll just need to buy my hard copy and sit tight until you're big and famous enough for a book tour. Then i can just wait in line with the fawning masses for the privilege! :-)