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Hi all!

With the imminent release of The Last of Her Kind, I just wanted to take this moment to thank everyone for helping this long-awaited project see the light of day.


Naturally, with the book going live on Tuesday, if you are one of the wonderful people who have pre-ordered it, please take the time to leave a rating and, even better, a written review over on Amazon.

Things to highlight in the review may be my depiction of the characters, the unconventional romance, or even how someone was crazy enough to actually write an entire novel about falling in love with an Arachne.

As one of my highest rated stories ever, I really hope to see some success with it. Also, since I won't be listing it as erotica, definitely don't call it erotica. As long as it's a "spicy romance" my publisher can experiment with some ad buys.

That's it! Easy marching orders this time. Oh, and you can totally order it in Paperback right now.

Forgot the link? Go to my books and click the pre-order button. It will be available on other websites soon enough, so don't fret if you hate the 'Zon (but the paperback is only available through them, sorry about that).

Oh, and before I forget: I am having a hardback edition developed right now. It will mimic the grand style of the HFHM hardback edition, but that one is taking me some time. Feel free to wait if you want something a little more collectible, it will have a different cover than the paperback.




Annabelle's Army reminds me of one of my wishes for your horny monsters to find in Mike's mansion, a version of a Room of Requirements, the horny history kind of room. Makes it fun to learn stuff,.. Tink an Sofia would practically live in there,.. even Death might learn to read there,.. maybe? ( I pre-ordered a couple of your LoHK paperbacks, thank you) TTFN.


Annabelle's Army has a logo?! Yay! **adds give 5 star Amazon review to to-do list** I think the "paranormal romance" category will be great for bringing in readers who might otherwise pass on erotica thinking it's all sex and no plot.


Has HFHM hardback released yet? I can't remember having seen it


Well ... a "spicy novel" is a rather intriguing description of the book))) Still, I am sure that this book will be an overwhelming success.