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Hi all!

So this information is relatively new to me. I won't go into details, but my publisher called me and said we had an opportunity to have a hardcover made.

As far as choices go, there was a very positive discussion in the Discord regarding what would look great. It would be a case laminate hardcover (dust cover plus fabric is simply too expensive with no method of distribution, sorry) and I could probably get one made for Home and Labyrinth (and maybe even LoHK). The cover and book design will be different, so that it will stand out on your shelf.

My question for you in today's poll is if you would like larger text than normal since it is a special edition. If I don't enlarge the text, then it would be the same size as the paperback (making the book larger with the same font would make for a very skinny hardcover).

This poll ends on Sunday, cause I have to have an answer for my publisher by then. I am also opening this poll to all Patrons, because this has been something a ton of you have requested. If it works out (sales wise and design wise), then hardcovers could become a permanent addition to the Hawthorne arsenal.



Hmm. Why not use the hardcover for collections, so you can use both regular text and a larger book and not make it thin! (One can dream, no?)


I really don’t have a preference.