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Hi all!

I just got rewards sent out. However, in true Annabelle fashion, I accidentally sent out the link to $200 dollar rewards, so had to delete the link and make a new one. I sent the new link to all Patrons at $200 or higher, so check those messages!

Also, the Special Edition of Book Two is available for download! I had some patrons check, and all three versions should work. Please let me know if the don't. The PDF is great for computer viewing, the mobi is for kindle, and the epub is almost everything else. The pictures in each chapter are full color, and I certainly hope you enjoy them!

I would like to thank everybody who has been with me this far, your support has meant the world to me! I am hopeful that Last of Her Kind will be out in early January, and I will probably put together a Special Edition of that using the artwork that was never finished (sort of a Lost edition).

2021 is coming up on us, and Book Three is in editing and Audiobook 2 is in production. I hope that next year is just as successful, and you should be seeing a D&H chapter post from me in the next week (I am rewriting half of it, cause it sucks).

IF you have problems with rewards (didn't receive the letter, etc) please comment below, do not message me! It is a hundred times faster for me in the comments, and I still have every single conversation in my inbox listed as new right now, so your message will get lost.



I could not find the link to book 2.

David Kepler

I didn't receive this rewards link.