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Hi all!

Okay, so just some quick announcements.

1. I am WAY fucking behind on everything. Due to IRL circumstances, my writing time has gone from 10-15 hours a week to... maybe 2. What little I've been able to accomplish has been in bed at the end of a very long day. I am still planning to release D&H 12 (which has been a massive pain in my ass to write), but as of today, I haven't started on Ch. 62. That one will be much easier to write than D&H finale, but I'm not optimistic.

2. Huge progress is being made on the hardcover front. I am hoping to have purchase links up by the end of this month.

3. I received Last of Her Kind manuscript from the formatters. I need to approve their formatting, but I am hoping for an early January release

That's it from me, I hope you all had a great weekend!



Well, this happens, there is not always enough time for everything ... Have a wonderful pre-Christmas mood and happy holidays!


The holiday season is rough on everyone, especially with everything going on this year. Take care of yourself and your family first, the rest will fall into place when it’s time.