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Hi all!

I just sent out rewards messages to people who qualified!

For those unfamiliar with the process, you get some special freebies from me just for being a Patron. These rewards are cumulative in nature, so the longer you are around, the more likely you will earn them! (I mean, unless you have deep pockets, in which case it happens pretty fast).

Anyway, the rewards can be seen here! 

Now, the process itself is dicey. It is pretty much just me scrolling through all 600+ of you and saying "Who looks like they've leveled up this month?" It isn't perfect, so if you know you should have gotten a message from me, please comment below and I can get you sorted! Commenting is ten times easier for me, and I will message you privately.

That's all, see you real soon!


Arthvr Dragonsen

Hey Annabelle. I didn't see my reward message this month. :(


Hi, could you check my account. I haven't been able to find my total in the app, but I have been around for quite some time so I expect I might have earned a reward.


I believe I am due for a reward. I haven’t received any yet and I’ve been here a while now


Hi I think I reached both of the first 2 levels this month.


Could you check me please


So apparently I totally forgot to do this previously, because I think I've earned the first tier a while back but didn't receive a message. Almost got the second tier now.


I’m not 100% sure but I believe I leveled up this month 😅 I’m new to this and don’t know how to check

Annabelle Hawthorne

I wish there was an easy way for you all to check, but I think Patreon makes it difficult on your side so that you don't realize how much you've spent on someone over time. I see the psychology behind it, but shit, just give you all a button you can press. Anyway, message sent.


I am soooo close. One more story and I hit 200$