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Hi all!

Okay, so this poll is open to everyone (for what will soon be obvious reasons).

2020 may have been a shit show, but we've managed to fight through it and quit growing. For those of you who are new, the Patron Rewards at the beginning of the year was just the Special Edition. Yep, that's right, just one little award.

Here is the current offering: https://annabellehawthorne.com/patron-rewards 

The purpose of this poll is to open discussion about it. Now, you can just vote and make your voice heard that way, or you can fight it out down below (or even on Discord in the Patron lounge).

Okay, so the poll itself: Would you like me to try and find another cosplayer and have another photo shoot done in 2021? Little Wicked did a wonderful job, but I hardly want to have the same person dress up as everyone. I also can't guarantee that photos will be as lewd with a different cosplayer, it took me six months just to find LW.

I just want to read your thoughts on it before I waste time searching. This poll is open well into December, but I always love coming up with things for you to unlock.



Even though I like the cosplay I think I like Kat's Girl of the Month art better. In fact could you please pass along my praise, her work is awesome.


I also prefer the artwork to the cosplay!


I'm in the 'meh' camp, but don't let that stop you from doing it if that's something you want to do. Bonus content is bonus content. If it happens, cool. If not, oh well.


Personally, I’m all about the text, and visualizing things in my mind. However, I love the effort to branch out. You are likely gaining more fans by offering a variety of content.


I agree this is the best option. It does not detract from your writing as you seem to balance one story with one art related release be it Kat, Amber or LW


Cosplay is iffy, but amber is also a model with spectacular curves and does customs.


I like the cosplay, but if it came down to and either or I'd say artwork wins. In the big picture view, Annabelle you have had a crazy year so to ease up on your workload I'd put myself into the "Meh, doesn't interest me" section.


Does cosplay include Annabelle reveling that she is actually Beth and this all took place a while ago, so she could give us a look at 'Beth' taking on a naughty dragon?


I'm in the cosplay "meh" camp. It can be fun but also seems like it could consume a lot of time and resources which could maybe be invested elsewhere. That said, follow your inspirations and listen to that little voice AH! :-) Doesn't much matter what a fool kike me says. ;-). What matters is that you are following your instincts and doing what you love. ❤️


I'm not that much into cosplay, but if the new pics get as good as the ones from LW acting as Tink (currently the only ones I've unlocked), then hell yes! But please no one-eye photoshoped Sofia, that would 99% look horrible :/