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Hi all!

Okay, so just a couple of things real quick. I've been a little AFK from here due to a couple of important things happening over the weekend. Some were real world, others were erotica world, but I had to take care of them right away. Anyway, small stuff first:

1. Rewards messages will go out in the next day or so.

2. Special Edition is almost done (seriously, I have all the art, I just need time to finish secret chapter)

3. D&H Ch. 11 will release soon.

4. I've started on Book 5. It will be glorious.

5. Should have a big announcement this month (though some of you already know).

And now for a special message: Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to leave ratings and reviews for my books on Amazon. Not only do they significantly help me sell books to new readers, but they undo the hard work of nefarious individuals who try to pull crap by giving me bad reviews (etc). 

I'm sure that you may have noticed that I changed the banner on this site recently. That's because, after over two years, it was "suddenly noticed" that Cecilia's nipples were showing, which did put me outside of Patreon Terms of Service (because the banner is a public part of the page). I have no problem following Patreon's rules, but did find it interesting that they suddenly discovered it. 

Do I suspect that someone reported me to Patreon? Yes.  Do I know who? No.

But ultimately, does it matter? No, it doesn't. As long as I have so many readers willing to advocate for me, then it will take more than a couple of internet trolls to ruin my day.

Also, a very special thank you to anyone who has purchased the audiobook and left a review. It has some really solid momentum right now, and that is due largely to the great comments you have left on it. It's those comments and reviews that help new readers find my stories.

That's all from me for now. Be safe, everybody!



You are welcome!


It would be funny, though probably an unnecessary risk, to pur the banner back except put a censorship black box over Cecelia’s nips

Pana Napoleon

Thank you for your stories and strength to see past any ugly biases people may have. Keep going till you say your done. Amazing story telling.


Oh, it's probably extremely unpleasant when someone tries to do meanness to you, you can be understood, but don't pay attention, everything will be fine with you!