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Hi all!

I have been slammed AF, but I wanted to drop in and say HELLO!!! and maybe drop a couple of pics here to give you a peek. These are the rough sketches, so they are far from finished, but it's certainly fun to see them! One of these is Ana stretching after getting out of her wheelchair and the other...

Well... I think it speaks for itself...

Back to the grindstone!




Looking beautiful and absolutely adorable.


Very nice! I like the first one... it has almost an innocent feel to it.


,.. and you ask why I find spider-babes so HOT?,.. just look,.. totally adorable is quite right Raxius, I agree with you,....


KILL IT WITH FIRE!!! er .. umm.. just kidding? Frankly I have never thought of spiders as cute, cuddly or sexy but they are very cool, especially tarantulas. Very sketchy :)