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Hey all!

So, just a quick check-in. If you've noticed how quiet I've been, well...this month has been pretty rough on me (nothing bad, just... life) and my writing schedule got boned hard enough that I'm betting an erotica author in a parallel universe is selling it somehow (How my Writing Schedule got Pounded in the Ass by Real Life: A Chuck Tingle original?!?). Again, nothing to worry about, but my schedule has been super tight with edits and writing, so losing several hours of productivity has been hard.

Anyway, I am still hoping for a double release this month. Both D&H and Ch. 48 are maybe 1/3 done right now, but I am focusing on Ch. 48 first so that you have something to talk to your family about during Thanksgiving (for those who celebrate).

Book 2: Kat will (hopefully) be done with Book Art by January or February. Edits for Book 2 have gone south a bit. I got through the first 75% of them, but the remaining 25% are kicking my ass. The delay in getting edits back messed up my timelines, but it's still coming. I think I have roughly 900 issues to address, but they are issues requiring rewrites/revisions, so each one takes a couple minutes (writing is hard, y'all).

Last Arachne: I just sent back developmental edits. I am waiting on some more artwork from the artist. Because Book 2 and LA edits ended up colliding, both timeframes got screwed. I promise I'm not making excuses for myself, I just want everybody to know what and why.

Project: SongBird: I am hoping to make an official announcement on this by month's end, both what it is and how you can get it.

Annabelle out.



Keep being awesome we can wait a bit your worth it!


So songbird is a thing! And we can get it... Okay that narrows it down. ¦-D


So our incredible and erotically creative writer of monstrously lovely ladies (plus Mike and Darren), is working her craft at full speed,.. and still has made some moments to share with us, wow! I so enjoy when you allow us into your creative work processes,.. it is like we share in the effort and we certainly reap the rewards of your stories, thank you, hugs and kisses, you are a special kind of writer who brings us all in on at least some of your wonderous ride!


My feelings exactly! Quality writing is worthy of patience.


Today was cloudy and damp and cold. Then the sun came out and Annabelle had an announcement for me to check out. Somehow things are better now.