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More Details in the Days Ahead


Project: SongBird

This video is about Project: SongBird



Well isn't that down right mysterious?


,.. more details implies that you gave us a 'some' details already, you should note that you haven't yet given us anything more than the name "project songbird" and that it is coming! Okay, can you at least tell us if we will like it? Is Dorothy a good witch or a bad witch, the munchkins want to know.

Annabelle Hawthorne

In my version of Oz, two things are true. 1. Dorothy is a sexy witch 2. That Return to Oz movie is still some freaky shit, but the witch with interchangeable heads is very naughty.


I'm thinking I've guessed it. To be nice and not spoil anything I'll not say what I'm thinking and just wait until it's announced.


I was not thinking that, but you're right, it would be cool. I can't decide between a Cecilia or a Lily though.


Custom, high quality, and decent sized, very expensive. But oh so awesome


,.. a Banshee action figure of Cecilia?,.. sign me up for one! ,.. though a Lily one might give me some too good-sexy dreamscape dreams,..


Interesting. Seems familiar... hmmm... ;) I guess I'll have to stay tuned.


,.. just be very careful, a number of your fans want "robot" Mike (Data) Radley to get a witch on the team, and in his harem,.. I am from Kansas, so I vote for Dorothy! DG and Tink would be such a team! ;) ,.. or would Lily need to get in the act,.. aka Tinkle?


Reminds me of the early work work of Canadian filmmaker Michael Snow and that's a compliment.


,.. and is the Lily Avatar part of the clue too? or just an indicator of your creative mind set on this project?...( a kind of sexy but cut-throat,..???)

Karl Becker

Izzat you narrating Annabelle?


I had that exact same radio like 15-20 years ago.