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Hi all!

So I had a moment this morning where I thought back to two years ago. This page was only a couple of weeks old, and all I had on it was a few chapters of HFHM and a couple chapters of Iceman. I was actively working on the next HFHM chapter, couldn't even tell you what it was, but that was it. Write, publish, write some more.

Okay, fast forward to today, and here's what's going on right now.

1) I have officially started on the Lily/Dana spin-off. You will be seeing the first chapter near the end of this month.

2) The Last Arachne has gone through Developmental edits. After a re-write, it will go back for line editing. By then, I hope to be near the end of artwork for LA, which means I will be gearing up to publish it.

Depending on how successful the Light Novel format is for LA, I may try this for future side projects. I am all about long-term sustainability, and LA took more monetary investment than HFHM. Certainly hope it pays off, banking on that love of spider girls :P

3) I am nearing the re-release of Book One. New cover, new interior, same story.  I am just getting a few last-minute changes completed, and then will begin the process of getting the new version on the market.

4) I will have another image from Kat soon.

5) I got an idea for another spin-off down the road. That's all I have to say about that.

6) Going to start writing next HFHM chapter very soon.

I've always known that writers were busy people, but now I totally get just how much their lives get gobbled up by their craft. I try very hard to make time for myself and my family, but it gets difficult. If there's one thing I've appreciated, it's been how patient so many of you have been. I'm always excited to hear that you can't wait to read the next chapter, and I have only ever gotten a couple of snotty emails about how slow my releases are. It brings me tremendous joy to know that people are enjoying these stories, and I will keep working hard at it.

I will also try to be better about not spacing out in public. See #5 for today's example, and I can't tell you how many dinner conversations I have biffed because I'm all "so if X and Y are trying to accomplish Z, what if A, B and Q from two books ago..." in my head, and someone suddenly asks me "Hey, you okay?" because apparently, my Thinky Face is nearly identical to my I've been poisoned and can no longer react to external stimulus Face.

We have some big months coming up, so everybody get excited! I'm off to write some more succubus/zombie goodness.



You have done extremely well the past couple of years, and you are also doing great now! I would love to get a picture of your "thinky face"! Some other successful writers of fiction have talked about their having to write, a compulsion, it was a monkey on their back, but they adapted as did their spouses and families. Please take care of yourself and those close to you. I love your work, but not if you hurt yourself by overdoing (make time for yourself as well as you can). That said, I am so looking forward to your latest side-story brainstorm(s), and to your rescuing our favorite, porch swinging, Banshee from the Queen. and to your bringing back a freshly created human, made from a big bad dragon. You have exceeded, by so much, any normal expectations with your 'part time' writings, you have published one book, and are about to publish and republish several more, with no end of writing output in sight you will soon be filling shelves of your growing number of fans all over the place! yea! Oh, and have you come up with a working title for our girls gone wild adventure yet? OXOXO TTFN

R. Kener

The books are extremely well written, they are absolutely enjoyable <3 One cannot expect an author of fiction to produce chapter after chapter line an assembly line, it simply doesn't work like that :-) Keep the good work, and enjoy it <3


P.S. just so you know, it is the year 2019 AD in the real world,.. is Mike's gang a year behind, or just Lily and Dana on their Wild Adventure? ( Hey, you were in the 70's for most of the past year writing about Ana and Darren, so it's good that you were at least in the correct decade!)


I’ll be that guy and say that I’m sure you meant that you’re always excited to hear that we can’t *wait to* read the next chapter. And yes, I can’t wait...


when the new book will be available, an approximate date?


It occurred to me that maybe you withheld your stories for a few days to get the sadistic joy of watching your readers twist in the wind, waiting for the next twist of fate that will hit the Radley house. That you might aspire to be the George R.R. Martin of erotic literature. 😀

Annabelle Hawthorne

As soon as I get some info, I will pass it along! The big round of edits is supposed to be on its way to me, and I am hoping to see the rough draft for cover art very soon. By the end of the year for certain, I am hoping for much sooner though.

Michael56Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 10:54:44 Okay, you fixed the year. Good going, it was just an honest mistake, but I just had to rib you a little for it. I can't wait for D&H chapter uno. I would wish you good luck, but you already have talent (plus you have been channeling Lily and I really do not want to piss HER off) Luv ya Annie , and how are you doing? OXOXO Ta
2019-09-29 09:09:08 Okay, you fixed the year. Good going, it was just an honest mistake, but I just had to rib you a little for it. I can't wait for D&H chapter uno. I would wish you good luck, but you already have talent (plus you have been channeling Lily and I really do not want to piss HER off) Luv ya Annie , and how are you doing? OXOXO Ta

Okay, you fixed the year. Good going, it was just an honest mistake, but I just had to rib you a little for it. I can't wait for D&H chapter uno. I would wish you good luck, but you already have talent (plus you have been channeling Lily and I really do not want to piss HER off) Luv ya Annie , and how are you doing? OXOXO Ta