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I am in the midst of having Kat play catch up on two additional Master Caretaker commissions, so you will see a couple more of these soon!

As requested, a picture of Lily has been installed in the Hall of Caretakers by Chris R. May your house never burn down, and may the shadows never pester you about it burning down (eventually). Thank you for your continued support over the last two years, and I will get that signed copy of Book Two to you when it comes out :D

She's wearing a little bit less in the attachment below, for those of you who want to see some succubus boobs.



R. Kener

She's so cute... I am totally NOT drooling, no Ma'am ! :-)


Annabelle is just SO good to us! Thank you, oh lovely home for horny monster's mistress! ( not the Founder, but definitely the true Architect of Mike's mansion).