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Hi all!

This is just a piece of the rough sketch I received from the artist and is far from finished, but wanted to share something fun with you, because Tuesday's are almost as hard as Monday.

Developmental edits will be done soon on LA. That's fancy speak for "here are suggestions to improve/fix plot, dialogue, etc."




Absolutely lovely!!!!


I actually just finally finished reading LA over the weekend. Was good! :) Ending super cute. :) I deffo want to see HFHM and LA crossovers of some kind some day...


"Looooking Good!" (Freddie Prince, junior's papa), was likely before your time. But it was current on antenna TV back in the early 70's, good/funny show - " Chico and the Man". RIP Freddie.


Besides Emily's guest shot in Last of her Kind/Last Arachne's chapter two, there was some crossover mentions of the Order in one RHfHM chapter (somewhere in the early to mid 30's chapters?) that were almost throw away lines unless you were a Patreon supporter of the erotically inclined Mistress Annabelle and had read the first few chapters of LA available at that time. Plus an Emily field trip to a cabin in the wilds of Oregon with an intro to a cabin caretaker (eif?-sorry got old so memory is slipping). TTFN


Ana is looking quite lovely and adorable. Would certainly love to see more of the cover as it gets updated.


I certainly hope this illustrated, light novel finds great success! The lovely Ana on the cover is a true plus towards that goal.