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All hail Matt G, our newest Master Caretaker! May your reign be long and glorious!

Matt is another one of my long-time patrons, and I will be mailing him an autographed copy of the re-release of Book One once it is hot off the press (which would have happened this week, but there was a goof in it that I needed fixed). He gave me some options to choose from, and I really liked the pose Kat chose for Dana.

Speaking of Dana, she will be showing up in just a couple of days! That's right, Dead and Horny Ch. 01 is headed your way. For those of you who are new, this is a side story following Lily and Dana during the events of Book 3, and will very much tie in to the future plot of HFHM, as well as expand on Lily's backstory.

Again, huge thanks to Matt G, this artwork is now on my website on the Hall of Caretakers page above his name. However, I have included a nude version below for download.

Have a great weekend, everybody, and you will hear from me soon!




Thanks Matt for being a long time supporter.


Oh... I like these... they're perfect!


Welcome Matt and thank you for supporting Annabelle and her work, thereby spreading her talent to even more people


Congrats Matt, your time and effort have been very well spent. And I whole heartedly agree that the Dana's are incredibly perfect!


Also, does anyone else think that Tick-Tock seems bigger in person? (the art is wonderful, so maybe it's because Dana is a bit on the short side that the Mimic seems a tad bit large to me).


PS I loved the details such as the diagrams on the drafting table behind the lovely Dana (so yummy she is, even dead)


Lovely! Great art of Dana and it was a nice touch to include Tick-Tock the mimic. I also like the matching hearts 💕


The way Dana is holding her hands is like when you make a heart with your hands and she's holding the gears which are like the "heart" of a clock. Or I could just be reading way too much into Kat's work.

Annabelle Hawthorne

I requested it that way, and was super pleased with how it turned out. Are you reading too much into it? Maybe not ;P