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Hey all!

Here's what is happening this month!

Two posts this month will be the last two chapters of Iceman's Wrath. Once this story is finished up, I will be concentrating exclusively on the HFHM Universe on this page. I will have some Big News coming soon that I have hinted at, so for those of you who enjoyed Iceman, stay tuned for that.

Those two Iceman posts will pay the remainder of what I need to get Book Art, Cover Art, and an Editor for HFHM. I currently have some amazing leads, so will be excited to share that news with you as it unfolds.

I will be using Iceman as a template for figuring out this whole publishing thing. It will be the sacrificial lamb for the process that HFHM will go through eventually, so I will be using it as my own learning tool. I'm afraid that's the extra work you don't get to see a reflection of, but I am hoping to have Iceman on Amazon by month's end.

At the end of January, you will either have Chapter 1 of Book Two, or a short story.

Let's talk about those short stories, shall we?

They will come in one of two flavors. Unearthly Delights will be stories which may or may not involve monsters, but will definitely involve a magical object that is causing sexual havoc somewhere in the Monster-verse. These stories will be largely stand alone, but never-the-less sexy adventures.

Flavor number two will be a series of shorts called Monster Bites. I have so many ideas for sexual encounters with monsters, but no way to properly incorporate them into HFHM without bloating the character list.  Monster Bites will be stories that can involve your favorite HFHM characters, or new ones for you to love. Both types of short stories should give you some interesting polls to choose from.

Also, at the beginning of February, I will be downloading a list of all of my January Patrons (whose payments went through). I will be using that list to test distribution of the HFHM eBook once I have it ready to go. Of course, there will be no better way to test distribution than to make certain everyone gets a free copy of Iceman's Wrath. This gives newcomers an extra month to get in on the fun, and will give Dakzper time to catch up on the art from the first chapters of HFHM. I will be releasing official book updates as we close in on the publishing date.

I have a really good feeling about 2018, and I hope that everyone is ready for a super awesome year!


PS: If you have been an ardent supporter of this page for some time, and something comes up and you have to drop in January, please message me with your email address. I would still like to see you get a copy of HFHM and Iceman. 

PPS: It looks like I fell back below the 500 mark! (Declines and people who signed up and bailed between posts) If you are part of a reading community that would enjoy my work, please spread the word for me!



Sounds great :) Sorry to see you've dropped below 500 - hopefully not for long though :) Happy New Year!


Sorry you fell back -- I suppose ups and downs are inevitable, but we will hope for a lot more ups! :)


I wouldn;t worry too much about bloating the character list on HFHM. After some have had their day in the sun, they can be banished to the vault in the basement. They don't all have to hang around being regulars.


We are at 10 January. Any updates Miss A?