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Hey all!

I'm just dropping by to announce the invention of a new tier for Patrons!

This is the Design and Discussion Tier! I often find myself stuck, because I can't exactly bounce my ideas off of family or coworkers. This tier will allow me to pose questions to you, the reader, and hear your feedback on my thoughts as I move forward with setting things in stone.

For example, I might start a discussion about Ogre tribe culture and ask what you think that would look like. Your answers will help influence my design of said culture. I plan to use this tier to help me flesh out designs for future monsters and rooms of the house.

Since much of this information could be seen as a spoiler, I will be making the titles deliberately vague for the rest of you, so you don't have to worry about having anything ruined for you.

That's all! I hope you 2018 has been awesome so far!




Wow if my income was a bit more stable I'd defiantly be interested

Annabelle Hawthorne

Keep in mind you can limit the number of times you pledge a month, so you wouldn’t have to do $10 for all three posts (if that somehow puts it in your budget)


I have no problem pledging the new amount, but I would like to know whether all these extras are going to count as "stories". I would much rather have a flat rate per month and know what I'm pledging than see a variable amount that could see a wide spread of pledge value.

Annabelle Hawthorne

I guess I’m a little confused by your question. My main focus is still on HFHM, and any new side stories will now be exclusively in the HFHM universe (once Iceman is finished). I will still only have 3 paid posts a month, and those posts will always be stories; this just ups your ability to participate in the discussion. For example, the next post in this tier will be about helping me design next room in the house.