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couple of things.. 1st pour one out for erwin for going out as a hero and for our best boy bernard, this was a cruel death.. 2nd we now live in a world where we know about the marleys and eldrians (not even sure if that's how it's spelled or called but i can't google it cause i don't want to accidently spoil myself) we were SO close, we said that our guys behind walls could be the only people to be titans but as always so close and yet so far, we have 2 episodes of this season remaining and i am at a loss for words... here's another thumbnail where im bawling, enjoy


aot 3x18

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You've gotta feel for Levi here. This boy lost EVERYBODY. His mom, Kenny, Petra, his squad, his childhood friends, and now Erwin. Everything in his life has been one string of tragedy after the other. Him and Hange are the only veterans left. And now once he got the opportunity for the first time to save a friend, he STILL puts his wishes second and decides to take one for the team. Even though it was his choice, and no one was stopping him from reviving Erwin at the end, he did it regardless. He did it because he cared for Erwin more than the others to put him away from his pain and suffering. He did it because he cares for Armin's life and knew what him being gone would've meant for the morale of our kids. Much of the time it's him who's making the hardest choices and bearing the most responsibility. I can't imagine how much the deaths of those soldiers are weighing on him, knowing they all died so he could kill Beast Titan and still failed to when he promised he would.


Gets his ass handed to him "Let's call it a draw, Levi"

Robert H.

If you're only two episodes short, then you've almost finished the prologue of Attack on Titan.


Breaking Bad and Aot are objectively the 2 best series of all time. 🙌

Dan Mena

Cant wait to see how they play with your feelings in season 4.


It was the beast titan who ordered the titans to attack Levi not the 4 legged one.


Can't wait to see this reaction... anyways I just wanted to recommend you to listen to the OST you hear on the last scene of the last episode of this season. It's called T-KT and it's just perfect for attack on titan, I feel like it brings back all the emotions felt with this tragic but beautiful story


man the voice acting in this episode :O


Pour one out for Moblit too… he was able to save Hange one last time before dying. These few episodes have had nothing but valiant sacrifices. Heroic Scouts doing what needs to be done. Fuck it, pour one out for them all, they deserve it


Glad to see by that thumbnail that you did not enjoy Bertholdt’s death (not that I thought you would) but you’d be surprised of how many reactors I’ve seen cheering

Maia Brodsky

It wasn't the four leg titan who gave the titans orders to attack Levi last episode. It was the beast titan (in human form). You were mistaken.


poor lola, we love you


Girls I feel you, you are going through a turning point in this anime.


Lola is so beautifaul, she is intelligent ,you can see her process every important moment, and emotionaly very mature


pouring one now...


my personal favourite episode of AoT 😍


A minor connection from episode 20, the most recent episode you two watched: Eren woke up in the cell from his memory, crying: "I feel like I just woke up from a long dream". Mikasa asked: "Why are you crying, Eren?" Episode 1, right after the intro: Weird flashforwards, birds fly away from a tree. Eren woke up, crying: "I feel like I just woke up from a long dream." Mikasa asked: "Why are you crying, Eren?"


Erwin didn't reject the vial, he was daydreaming about his goal.


At the time you don't how much I disagreed with that decision to save Armin, I had to watch it a second time to understand why levi did what he did.


I have been waiting...for thousands of years for this episode lmao. What a great reaction. Thank you guys.


I just got chills reading your comment knowing what happens in the manga


The red headed Guy is Floch and while you may dislike him which many do a lot of what he’s saying is things that are realistic and true is the ironic part so maybe try to understand him even if you don’t like him. He’s thinking from a perspective that anyone who had not followed our main characters for 3 seasons would think like him if they hadn’t.


If you re-watch the scene with Levi as he's about to inject Erwin, Erwin is having a flashback to his childhood as a student in his father's class. He raises his hand to ask his father a question about people outside the walls, and that hand motion slaps Levi's hand. I don't know if he was even aware that Levi was next to him. He was in his memory.

Theo Traumato

the last 3 episodes are the heartwrenching ones, next come the mindbending ones :D


A ton of reactors I’ve watched don’t even blink or anything they just said fuck him basically and are happy and a lot of reactors are like that they can’t sympathize with the other side luckily Lola and Milena can. I honestly get annoyed when people show happiness when Bertholdt dies it gets my blood boiling because people are so damn blind and judge people in a way that is black and white and literally show no understanding from for example Bertholdt’s point of view and all we have experienced with him will now come to an end and people are happy about it. Sry about the rant


You guys talked about the episode count for season 4 part 2 and I am going to bet that it will be 12 episodes. The show still has to adapt about 23 chapters of the manga to get to the ending. So we still have a lot of content left!


Me too...I accepted armins death at first. I just couldn’t bear the pain it would mean for Levi to let Erwin go.


I like how after finishing the ep the 1st thing you did was watch the opening LOL


Love the reactions! I'm pretty sure from now on they won't have a single recording session which won't blow their minds :)


I think you misunderstood; Levi didn't save Armin because he would have provided a better future for them he let Erwin go because he was the only man who dared to think if humans lived outside the walls and had the desire and conviction to find out and those who followed his path dying on that quest with him. before his desire to find out the truth was stronger than his soldiers and friends being killed in that journey. but it got to the point where his desire to find out the truth became giving meaning to his soldiers lives by finding out the truth. it became too much that only Levi understood. which is why Levi let him go. his desire to find out the truth for everyone sake living and those who have passed became a burden to him


When Lola started tearing up at Ymir’s letter, I wanted to pat her head cuz her expression was so sad. Seeing both of you cry so hard like that was also pretty heartbreaking. And wow theorizing for 3 seasons and now it’s boldly revealed, I wonder how u feel about the newfound setting.

Денис Куличенко

Yeah, this tenfold. Some people even argue Armin was the more "logical choice", which is nonsense. In a war time no sane person would trade a renown, battlehardened commander for a "promising young prosepct". Armin is exceptional and really smart, but he doesn't hold a candle to Erwin,who is the catalyst of humanity's counterattack against titans.

john ross

He just survived a suicide charge that took out everyone he knew, poor dude must be feeling extreme survivors guilt and PTSD.

Daniel Contreras

First of all, I have to say that I really like Armin. I have a lot of sympathy for him, even in those moments when he freezes or thinks he is just a burden. Those moments add a lot to the character IMO. However, when I first watched this episode, I really thought Erwin was the better choice. I always thought that Armin had a lot of potential and could accomplish many great things, but in that world, a cruel world, Erwin could accomplish more. As demonstrated, Armin does not hesitate to sacrifice his life, but maybe there are moments when it is necessary to sacrifice more than that. Of course I was very conflicted, in both cases there is a big loss. And I think I understand the reasons for Levi not to inject Erwin. I also think that Erwin deserves to rest, especially after he embraced his destiny and was ready to die. Now I’ve seen this episode a lot of times and everytime I think I understand more the why in Levi’s decision, but I still would have chosen Erwin if I keep in mind that the goal is “save humanity”. I hope the series proves me wrong. I have seen S4 p1 but I won’t discuss anything from that yet. I haven’t read the manga either (I will at some point in the future, I hope). I don’t know if I am in the minority here with this opinion. I would like to know if someone else shares this. Again, I must stress that I like Armin and I can see all the good qualities he has. If Erwin had been chosen I would still lament the loss of Armin, either as a character as an element for “humanity”.


Armin is smart but so is Erwin but the biggest thing which makes Erwin the more logical choice is his leadership skills which Armin doesn’t have and can never get Erwins skills with leadership and Erwin also had a lot of experience compared to Armin who has no experience as a leader except for a few times with the people he trained with.


I think there truly was not a right choice, both Erwin and Armin bring their own unique set of skills to the table and like Levi always does, he makes the choice he least regrets and that was letting Erwin free from this hell.


Levi didn’t choose to give it to Armin he chose to let Erwin finally rest. It may be the same outcome but Levi did not choose to personally save Armin it only led to that because he thought letting Erwin rest was the right call.

Daniel Contreras

Yep. There is, however, a "metaphorical rejection" in his action (that is my vision at least). I don't know if Levi "felt" something like that, even though for his face I think he noticed that Erwin was just "dreaming". In any case I think if I had been there in Levi's position I would have still interpreted that as a "signal" of some sort.


the way they're so close to season 4 is making me want to screammmmm


Btw, "Berthold" is a German name. Since you already watched ep 20, maybe you can guess now why Isayama chose to give characters German names.


when i watched this episode for the first time i was speechless, the VAs did an outstanding job truly one of the best episodes of AOT.


ohhh, we were wondering when we saw grisha put on an arm band and the whole setting being very ww2 if that was supposed to be similar to the star of david and that the other guys would then represent the nazis in a way but i completely forgot that their names are german

killezio3 killezio3

Can’t reply on phone for some reason. But to Daniel I gotta say: yeah, Levi suffers from being the strongest soldier. Because he is the strongest, he always survived, and always saw his comrades dying left and right. What a tragic character

Daniel Contreras

Some of my own opinions to some your comments: 1. For me the reason to not watch this intro is because it shows a lot of what actually happens in the episodes. You can see the Colossal Titan throwing houses, the boulders and the scouts, etc. It doesn’t show what happens at the end with all of those, but the impact is greatly lost. And that only in a superficial look, if you look closely there are a lot of “clues” that can ruin pieces of the main plot. 2. Regarding animation in season 4 there was a change in the studio. If the animation is worse or better will be up to you. A lot of people just hated the new design/drawing/animation and others really liked it. Personally I mostly liked it; I’d have preferred to continue the animation of season 3, but... oh well, wasn’t possible. 3. I remember that Lola said in one episode that she would watch the whole show from the beginning but didn’t know if that was cheating. In my opinion it is not. This show is meant to be rewatched. There are a LOT of things you could have missed and a LOT of things you can only appreciate once you know more of the story and its context. After finishing S3 and before S4 is a very good moment to do so IMO. I’m not trying to say that “it has to be” that way or anything like that, just a humble opinion. I super understand if you cannot wait and jump directly to S4; you can always rewatch it later. I would like to suggest however that you make sure to catch everything from episodes 20 and 21. You may want to rewatch at least those and then Ymir’s episode (2x10).


Floch gang stand up!!


best time to rewatch would be when they are waiting s4 pt2 with all of us!

killezio3 killezio3

Amazing episode. No sound until Levi made his decision. Which was very well done

killezio3 killezio3

Bernard first saw his friends and called for them. Then remembered they were his enemies, so called for Reiner and Annie before dying. So sad


Just to let you guys know for season4 if you want to watch the intro there is no spoilers

Don Julio TV

Pause on the title cards. It’s literally a map of the walls and everything else

Mati D.

So already saw 3x20, can't wait to see your opinions and reveals, one of the most mind fuck episodes ever.


'Rescue you..' 'What??' 'Rescue you..' 'What??' 'Rescue you..' 'What??' Lol the repeating reactions at the same time was great


It might come off as a suprise for you two, but season 4 is arguably better or at least as good. So stay hyped!


One thing about erwin is the thing that drove him was proving his dad right, after the basement he might’ve lost that motivation to lead the scouts so well, levi thought about this with that flashback to kenny saying “everyone was a slave to something”. who knows he might’ve even offered eren to eat him because he was satisfied with life after he saw the basement had he been chosen


4a adapted around 26 chapters in 16 episodes I think. There’s about 23 chapters missing, so ideally I think people are expecting around 12-16 for 4b, but no one really knows.


Oh yeah, that's the good stuff

Arnick Rhyan Ada

Since it wasn't explained well in the anime, let me try to do it. Erwin didn't shove the injection intentionally away, he RAISED his hand UNCONSCIOUSLY because of his strong desires to find out the answers to his question, on the verge of death. In the manga, it was portrayed as Levi chose Armin because he still has that drive to keep on going; to keep pursuing freedom. The moment Erwin unconsciously raised his hand when Levi was about to inject him and uttered what he asked to his teacher, which was his father, that was when Levi made a decision. In Erwin's case, Levi thought that maybe if Erwin finally got his answer to his literal lifelong dream he had with his father when he questioned him "Are there really no more humanity outside the walls?" when he was still studying, would he still have that "drive" to keep him going and fight for humanity? Or would he just lose interest because he got what he wanted? Now Levi knew Erwin was kinda selfish with a heart, so he thought that Erwin would no longer be as enthusiastic and motivated to keep on going if he got his answers, on Eren's basement. Levi remembered Kenny's last words right then and there the moment he realised all of this, which was "Everyone had to be drunk on something to keep on going". So if Erwin sobered up and lost his drunken self, he'd be unmotivated to fight some more. Wherein Armin's case, as I've said, he has dreams. He's still drunk on the thoughts of being totally free. Hope I explained it well.

Ben C

Good job. Haven't watched it yet but good job.

Ben C

"Let me tell you, that better be the fucking case because all my sanity right now is riding on the fact that I am completely in denial that he's dead." 😂

Rick Turpentine

Exactly, and it wasn't just the sea either. Levi was there listening the night that Armin was talking about seeing the entire world and it's mysteries. Levi knew that Armins eyes were set far far beyond the horizon, even past the sea. In fact it was Armin who had the biggest dream out of anyone. And considering that Erwin himself called Armin "one of humanities greatest weapons" the choice was simple really.

David Caine

Milena and Lola, you both have been extremely smart putting things together so far only a couple of other reactors pieced together in the puzzle, in fact it was scary how psychic it seemed, you both are now the top Attack on Titan detectives. If you had seen that opening, you would have figured out that Erwin was the one to die, as he is seen fading back with the other fallen soldiers. Besides the other obvious things, you would have pieced together more. If you had stopped that opening at the wrong moment, you would have seen the image of a charred, crispy Armin.... https://i.imgur.com/lvI9uCK.png These were the most amazing, emotional series of reactions to these episodes, thank you for sharing. Rest in Pieces, Bernard, LOL.


Eren pleading for Armin life makes me cry every single time, just tremendous voice acting.


at the very end, he called out "hange-san!" instead of "captain!".....

john ross

Erens voice actor is always incredible. Especially the season 2 finale, that was the best voice acting in the whole series.


A parallel that kills me is the way Levi was kneeling before Erwin in their first and last moments together: when they first met in No Regrets and in their final conversation. And the difference in their relationship between those two moments :(

Zekrom XI

Season 4 part 2 should have about 12-14 episodes. So, 28-30 episodes all together. Once you guys finish season 3, maybe consider watching the season 4 trailer. It’s lit!

Zekrom XI

16 episodes is way too much. Final season part 2 is covering less chapters and they are more action-heavy compared to part 1. So, there’s no way part 1 and 2 will have the same number of episodes.

Chris V

Animation change in S4 takes some getting use to but looks pretty damn good. Definitely get the blu ray version if you can!

Sean Carroll

Please watch the season 4 trailer it’s so epic

Sean Carroll

Considering no human can live that long I’m going to guess that you probably haven’t waited that long for this reaction. Couple that with the fact that season 3 part 2 aired in 2019 therefore the episode has only been out for 2 years. Also consider that they started watching attack on titan this year therefore at the very most you have only had to wait between 6-9 months for this reaction #debunked

Sean Carroll

I disagree, part 1 had 26 chapters and 16 episodes. Considering how insane the events are in part 2 I am guessing that it will be at least 15 episodes but I wouldn’t be surprised if it went 16 or 17 episodes. Everything in part 2 is incredibly important whereas part 1 could afford to skip a few small things


the trailer is 100% spoilers, they could watch it after they are caught up with s4 pt1 to get hyped for pt2.


As an Australian, I can confirm we are titans.


The animation has always had issues, schedule-wise. S1 looked horrible week-to-week and they had to fix it later, S2 was a bit better, but Season 3 Part 2 was made in *six months*. So it was just as rushed as S4 tbh. As for S4B, it should be around 12-16 episodes.


You can literally find fault in every animes animation but some people in the AoT fandom go too far with their death threats and pass all the hate as ''criticism.''


Can't wait for them to get to season 4


Floch: Stop this Mikasa Lola: Shut up I will fucking punch you😭 Me: 😭😭😭 Floch: I will not shut up Me: 👁👄👁


LM and reactpack in Patreon are just cry fest this day lmfaoooo

Tejas Joshi

R.I.P Erwin. One of the greatest written commander of all time. An era where death can be so random , you chose your death. A death full of valor, courage and self-lessness. Your choice led us to victory. Humanity survived because you chose to let yourself and your comrades be crushed by boulders. You risked your legacy everyday in the survey corps by making the hard decisions, the type of decisions that got your friends and your soldiers killed but humanity survived because of that. In this process, you lost precious friends, your love and ultimately your life. You once stood on a mountain of corpses and now humanity stands on your shoulders alone. Commander, One last Time, SHINZOUUU WOOO SASAGEYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Tejas Joshi

First, Levi has to tell Erwin "Give up on your dreams and charge to your death. Lead these crying children straight to hell " Then when he has the chance to save Erwin, he again has to let him die. Cut him some slack Isayama. What the hell is your problem with this guy ??


This is irrelevant but did you watch the dub?


here's to berotorotoroto, er, I mean bernard!


I am crying and laughing watching you and I feel like a psychopath.


Eldians and Marleyans i think


I Love you guys, hugs from Brazil!


Eren admitting he has nothing but hate left, begging for armins life because there is still some innocence in him, that whole bit is rough


this is the hardest episode to watch


RIP erWIN a real leader 🙏