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korra 401 full.wmv



Can we at least get just a lil 3-5 second snippet of the Nickelodeon/Intro to make it easier syncing? That'd be greatly appreciated :D


Also some current age updates for the timeskip: Korra - 21 Mako - 22 Bolin - 20 Asami - 22 (but I do believe she is the oldest of the gang) Opal - 20 (never stated/unknown bday but due to context) Jinora - 14 Kai (ay) - 14 (never stated/unknown bday but due to context) Meelo The Man - 9


This is a common thing that happens during a power vacuum. When the Queen got killed, there was that hole that somebody could fill with power, and Kuvira had ambitions. That's what happens when you play with extremes. The writers love to explore this idea of extremes. For example with Toph; who was raised with no freedom, then gave her kids too much freedom. Similarly, Zaheer brought anarchy to a country, and now it's swinging into dictatorship.

Jonathan Guzman

So it was very coincidental that the bandits that attacked the train were given a "chance" to serve their nation. And suddenly the country bandits have resources for planes and grappling hooks to steal the food from opal and kai after the governor refused to pledge to kuvira. hmmm.

Lorenzo Baxter

Bolin isn't really dumb. I see people use that a lot, but he wants to help people. And Kuvira DOES help. Yes she makes people bow to her and she benefits from it, but he probably doesn't know that. So it's not really cool for Opal to treat Bolin like this for him simply having a job. He can't just stop everything cause he wants to. Because of that, it doesn't matter what he thinks. I know us as the audience knows Kuvira is up to some shady shit, but Bolin can't just magically know that. Bolin at this point has done nothing wrong at all.


By the way, one of the bandits who got beat up by Kuvira was also played by the actress who voices Korra (Janet Varney).


Wow, good analysis. Yeah, very fishy.


It's easy to sync. Just skip your video ahead until you hear Tenzin listing the elements and pause when you hear "Fire" or whatever. Then, wait until their video gets to the same point and resume yours. Also, in case you don't see my other reply, your sarcastic comment is entirely misplaced. They weren't spoiled because: - They didn't see comments about turning off the subs. That's why they didn't say anything in the beginning like they usually do. - They don't have subs for season 4. They watched S4E1 without subs either. Which means, you telling them to turn off the subs was even MORE unnecessary, dude. Sigh.. why are people such lazy thinkers, and yet have the audacity to pretend they somehow "won" the argument lol. Anyway, hope my advice helps you sync easier.