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I'm an INFP! Work made us "leaders" take the Myers Briggs test and I was definitely the oddball out. INFP-T

Tony Camas

I'm curious, of those here (including Meg & Caleb) who've done the Myers-Briggs thing (or one of the similar ones), have you found that your type has been consistent over your life, or has it changed as you've grown and collected life experiences? For instance, I remember taking Myers-Briggs in high school, and at the time I came out as an INTP or INTJ (I don't remember which), but recently when I've taken the quiz, I've come out as something else -- ENFP (ENFP-A, to be specific) most recently (just took the test at 16personalities.com today). And it's not like I'm that close -- I'm pretty solidly in all four categories (63% Extraverted, 68% Intuitive, 66% Feeling, 74% Perceiving/Prospecting). I've evidently become some sort of enthusiastic, social hippie in my old age, when I used to be more of an engineer type. I wonder what forces I've run into over the years that have molded me that way.


So interesting! I took the test and came out INFJ-A (ie Advocate) which does actually suit me. I am very interested in promoting others and passing on my knowledge to the next generation of physicians. But I am also introverted and love my time alone. I think we do change over time which is reflected by a change in the outcome of the test.