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Kai’sa's kit has never really made too much sense to Max while playing against or even with her on his team. The evolutions were always confusing, were they time gated, level gated, what did they even do in specific? Just reading through the wiki for her character only left him more confused with so many numbers and great walls of text in his face.

That’s why he hated to see her locked in every now and then. The ability to snipe you and from damn near across the map then assassinate you? Not an ability an ADC should have. She also doesn’t show up often enough for Max to justify banning her,  putting him in an ultimatum. Ban Kai’sa and have to face off against an even worse champ more often, or don’t ban her and end up dealing with her occasionally. It’s a sacrifice he has to make.

He loads in quickly, just as normal. Max instinctually opens up the buy menu and purchases a doran’s blade and pot and makes his way to lane. His lane opponents being a Kai’sa, and of course, a Yuumi to back her up. “Of course, that little parasite hopping on this month's meta pick every month.” Max muttered in frustration as he waited for minions to spawn. For some reason, the Kai’sa took W first, and managed to hit a perfect snipe on Max to start the game. “Oh my GOOOOOD.” he seethes after hearing one of Kai’sa’s routinely annoying voice lines she spits out whenever she lands a skillshot.

Max knows that every lane with this purple-suited void girl will be a pain in the ass, but this player is something else. They seem to be dodging every one of Max’s abilities and hitting nearly all of their own.

reportahri: youre obviously scripting

II||II|I|I|I|II: so what accounts cost like 2$ and they dont ban me after 100 games

His rage grows as this isn’t some skilled player, but a filthy cheater using a modded client. Max attempts to dodge the constant poke, but he eventually ends up staying too long and taking a fatal blow. As soon as the skillshot hits his character model, the world goes black around him, feeling like he just got put to sleep instantly.

After his consciousness begins to fade back in, his vision returns with it. He observes his surroundings to see grass, and rocks, and a long river that’s cut off by a long patch of tall grass. It doesn’t take long for Max to realize that he’s woken up in the rift itself.  As he gains his bearings, he looks around to see transparent glowing purple gauntlets around his wrists. Shock runs through his veins as he realizes that they’re the same glowly gauntlets that Kai’sa uses to shoot with.

II||II|I|I|I|II: oh, finally. Took you long enough. want to try and report me huh?

“I was going to, until you… until you… uhmm…” Max stutters

II||II|I|I|I|II: knocked you out and put you in the game for playing so bad? This isn’t some normal scripts you know. You should’ve figured that out by now.

Max’s arms move up involuntarily and shoot at the nearest wall, the recoil making his arms feel wobbly. He tried to touch one arm with his other hand, but they wouldn't budge. He could only look at them, and their strangely small size. The recoil from the gauntlets seem to have completely zapped the masculinity from them, being much thinner and smooth, not at all matching the rest of his body.

“What the hell kind of scripts are these then?” Max shouts out into the rift, desperate for answers.

II||II|I|I|I|II: scripts exclusively for people who can’t stop complaining like you

“What does that even mean? W~why are you making me do this?” Max shouts out again, to no avail. He soon loses control of his legs, sprinting in one direction for a few seconds, then stopping, panting. He couldn’t see it through his pants, but his pants did in fact feel much looser on him. Loose enough to drop right down to the floor. “S~stop this! Why are you…what…how?” Max stutters, hopeful for some sort of clue to what’s happening to him.

II||II|I|I|I|II: I don’t quite like how you’re still complaining. Let me fix that for you.

A headset appears around Max’s head, playing a faint but familiar song directly into his ears. Max tries to speak again, but it feels like his ability to speak is scrambled. His words come out as, “Exploit their mistakes.” when his body begins to move again. His arms move to take off his shirt, then throw it to the ground. Still able to move his head to look around, he finds that his entire torso now looks just as smooth and feminine as his limbs. His waist is much smaller, easily small enough to have someone wrap their arms around it, his chest losing most of its width to match his no longer broad, dainty shoulders.

The music grows louder, his mind scrambled even more, his eyes reflecting it turning a hazy purple. His lips, eyebrows, then hair all follow in fading into the same shade of vibrant violet. Max’s eyes adopt a sharp, foxy look. His nose shrinks down to fit his softer, feminizing face, defined by his lips plumping up and becoming slightly more sensitive.

“Shit shit shit shit… how do I stop this…” Max’s thoughts swirl like a typhoon in his mind.

II||II|I|I|I|II: I can still hear you.

The text reads out, Max shocked at the scripter’s mind reading capabilities.

II||II|I|I|I|II: Looking good Kai’sa. Although, that hair doesn’t really fit you, short isn’t quite my style

Within moments, Max’s hair grows out rapidly. Locks of violet cascading down his back, some of the hair braiding itself in the front and tying itself into two buns on top, giving his entire head the exact same look as K/DA Kai’sa

II||II|I|I|I|II: Don’t even bother trying to stop this. Ever since that headset was put on your head it’s been too late.

“Yes! I need to get this off… Let, me, MOVE!” Max struggles fruitlessly

II||II|I|I|I|II: Think of it like red Kayn. You’re Kayn and your consciousness is trapped in a scythe forever and ever. Lucky for you, you get to be trapped inside a hot girl instead and feel everything that she does! And trust me, I’ll make it feel great.

“Jesus, this guy is a fucking pervert.”

II||II|I|I|I|II: I can still hear you

Out of nowhere, Max hitches a throbbing tent in his boxers.

II||II|I|I|I|II: Let’s see who the real pervert is

Max wanted to resist, but like the scripter said, it’s over for him. His petite hands with purple colored nails slide off his boxers. One hand places itself on his dick, enough precum pumping out to completely slather his feminine hand. Without mercy, the hand starts stroking. Max couldn’t lie to himself, it felt great to basically have Kai’sa giving him a handjob. The pleasure is intense enough for a lustful “Mhmmmmmnnnn, ahnnnnnnn” to leak out from Max’s mouth. The voice sounds similar to that familiar sound of Kai’sa running out of breath after using her E, but this time it was labored with bliss. Max’s knees buckled as he reached climax, an orgasm thrice as strong as ever before ripples through his body. His eyes roll back in his head as the pulsing sensation from his member slowly retracts closer to his crotch until it feels like it's coming from under him.

II||II|I|I|I|II: Oooh you’re a full fledged girl now, not as ‘filled out’ as I’d like though. I’ve already demonstrated the power of this script, now let me show you more.

Max’s body is much more Kai’sa than his, well, her own at this point, her mannerisms too. Two large mechanisms appear behind her body, the trademark void mechanisms that Kai’sa uses for combat. The mechanisms soon begin to glow with blue energy, Max’s body elegantly moving on its own to the music playing. With the music at full volume, Max comes to realize that the song is unequivocally Pop Stars by K/DA. Her body glides and dances to the beat, black latex-like leggings wrapping around her lower body as her legs move. Two black straps tighten around her core, her hips expanding outwards to fit the leggings better and provide more space for her future assets.

II||II|I|I|I|II: You’ve seen the K/DA Kai’sa splash art, right? You know what you’re missing

“Oh god… no no no no…”

“Mhmmmm, ahhhh~” Max’s mouth moans out loud, half from the pleasurable sensation of his asscheeks filling with soft fat, and half from the strenuous dancing. Her butt pushes out more and more, stretching out the latex and becoming accentuated by it. Golden stripes line down the front and back of her leggings, her thighs follow soon after, bulging out enough to fit her womanly frame, but not too big as to take away from the appeal of her alluring ass.

Max’s body continues to dance, his skin slightly slick and shiny from it. Despite having no control, Max can still feel all the sensations of her new body. One of those feelings being a slight bounce in her chest with each movement. The only answer to this strange sensation is the final part of her transformation. Under her wider and more sensitive nipples, a welling orgasmic feeling similar to the moment before a climax jiggles. It wells larger and more voluptuous into perky D-cup breasts. As a gold plated bra and top squeeze her tits,  her entire body freezes for a moment while a long “AAHHHNNNNN mhmmmmm~” is accompanied by a trembling orgasm. Her legs feel numb but at the same time blissful and relaxed as she rides out the entirety of her climax before continuing her dancing.

Suddenly, she appears amongst four other familiar characters. Four other league champions.

From II||II|I|I|I|II: Back in the rift with you. Don’t worry about the whole fighting thing. I’ve decided to be merciful and disable all painful sensations.

Whispering to himself to communicate with her, interesting, but Max’s fate of having to be Kai’sa is terrifying, but secretly a little arousing. Having to perform her abilities, that dance on every recall, be forced to say her annoying voice lines. Another message appears, presumably the last one before she has to start CSing.

From II||II|I|I|I|II: Oh, and after each game, I’ll make sure to give you an orgasm. Just like before.  Every. Time.

Source: www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=h…


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