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The very first Voyager, Draven,  focuses hard and spells out the letters W. I. S. D. O. M. on the wall beneath the blue gem in his mind. When he opens up his eyes again, the word is physically on the wall. The voices from before boom again.

"Wisdom... Well done on finding this one. I would ask for your name, but I believe we've already been acquainted, Draven." He’s confused on how they know his name, but he’s more curious in anticipation of his reward.

"Here... I have two questions for you... What if I gave you the knowledge of all that would happen, in every universe, the ability to travel back and forth in time, like it's simply walking in a new direction, the ability to explore these universes?" The words pierce Draven’s mind, unable to fully comprehend what they just said. "Well... what would be the very first thing you would do?"

“What a question voices… I would try my best to help my current universe that I was staying in, maybe not try and right the wrongs of the past but make sure the future is safe for the rest of our lifetimes. After that… maybe explore?” Draven manages a response.

"Ah... what a noble answer. Well, I shall grant you the power that you desire. I trust that you will not abuse it. Anyways... this next question always comes as a bit of a surprise to you, Voyagers. So, just answer truthfully alright? What's... your type?"

“A strong woman, with big boobs and proportionate booty and legs.” Draven answers confidently, and without a second thought.

"Well said. Now, why would I ask such a question? You may already know, but if you don't allow me to remind you of your supposed "Escape". You thought you could get out by defying us, but that ended you in a rather grim fate, one drunken with pleasure. Now, why am I telling you this? The fact of this forest is that nearly no one leaves, and those who do never leave the same as they came in..."

The ground beneath Draven begins to shake, putting him off balance. Reality distorts in the same way it did when he found this place, except now, he’s returning, but not without a few alterations…

Seemingly stuck in a void of nothingness completely lacking gravity, Draven awaits his fate. Colors swirl around him, the monochrome setting slowly regaining its liveliness. Gravity suddenly kicks back in slamming Draven onto the floor with an *OOMPPHH*. His head feels a little off from the impact, but not only from that. Upon focusing on the sensation, it almost feels like a sixth sense that's just out of reach. Assuming it’s the exciting reality-changing, time-traveling ability he’s been gifted, focuses on the sensation even harder.

The feeling to him is sort of like hitting himself in the head repeatedly, but it’s like there's a reward on the other side and he just has to break through the glass wall to get to it. Rather painful, but he knows it will be worth it. This much mental effort raises his heart rate and causes him to start sweating, as if he’s running or lifting heavy weights. With this strenuous effort though, comes the curse of the forest.

In Draven’s laid down position, his shoulders crack and pop to take up less space on the ground. The infection-like transformation spreads from his shoulders down through his arms. The visible muscle in his arms compacts itself into smaller but stronger muscles, making his arms look slim and weak. A misleading appearance, no doubt. His hands follow in thinning down, his well trimmed fingernails growing out longer on his now womanly fingers.

Draven continues to sweat as he struggles to break through the mental block to take control of his new powers. Following his shoulders, his chest loses a large chunk of its mass, soon fitting his greatly slimming waist. With a slight cough and a gulp, his throat loses its adam's apple and thins down, shortening his vocal chords and heightening their pitch. His stomach flattens and a layer of fat forms to hide the strong core underneath. Spreading down to Draven’s legs, they suffer the same fate as his arms. They slim down and look smaller, but are instead actually stronger than before.

A few cracks appear in the mental glass, his reward drawing ever so close. His face becomes more cutesy looking, a softer jawline, slightly larger eyes, now crystal blue, and pinchable cheeks. His eyelashes grow out a bit to give his eyes a distinctly feminine look, and his nose becomes smaller to match the rest of his face. This girly but confident face is no match for the current masculine looking haircut that Draven sports, so naturally, his hair fades into a dark blue and starts rapidly growing onto the floor. It continues to pool around him as the cracks in the glass become larger and larger, eventually completely shattering. Something wiggles out behind Draven in his laid-down position, something thin and furry. His new cat tail whips around him as a similar sensation is felt on top of his head as he grows out two more big fluffy ears, not losing his two human ones.

Now unknowingly looking like a sort of cat-femboy, Draven grasps the glittering power in his mind. As soon as he does, his clothing tightens around his now dainty body. A slightly loose fitting top appears on his chest and a short-skirt looking piece of clothing wraps around his widening hips. His boxers shrink down smaller and smaller until they’re no more than a pair of panties strained against his still functioning member. Various straps appear alongside a pair of tactical gloves, followed by a singular thigh high squeezing his left leg.

Draven struggles to gain his footing as he attempts to stand up, his tail compensating for the slightly altered center of mass. When he does rise, he notices that his room looks a little different. It’s still the same size, it's just decorated differently. “Holy shit… it worked! I did it!” he exclaims in a womanly tone, surprising himself. Draven attempts to clear his throat and try again,”Hmmmmmmm, mmmmmm, hello, hello… what the… AHNNN~” he moans as his crotch is suddenly overloaded with a massive burst of pleasure. His knees buckle as he grasps at his fleeting bulge. That’s right, these decorations, no man would have these. At least no alternate-universe version of himself as a man. Just becoming a catboy isn’t enough for those voices, a catgirl is what they want.

Draven grasps at his sixth sense, attempting to rewind time to stop the transformation. Although, when he tries, the forces that be appear to not like his rebellion against his fate. It feels like he just got hit in the face with some sort of recoil, along with a strange weight in his behind. “Ahhhh, haaah, hhaaah, what the hell was that…” Draven sputters out, drenched and heaving from the recoil. His hands move down to investigate his weightier behind, groping at and sinking into the sensitive flesh. He continues to investigate, and slides his soft fingers over his flat crotch. His heart sinks realizing that he has fully become she, complete with a plush ass and thicc thighs. Apparently her resistance caused her time traveling powers to have the opposite effect, speeding up time to also immediately transform her lower body into that of a woman.

Unable to resist her own incredibly attractive behind, Draven continues to grope herself, her arousal only rising. Figuring that there’s no other option but to wait out her fate, she continues indulging in herself as an unfamiliar tingling resonates in her chest. Some lewd force within her compels her to tease her suddenly rock-hard and wide nipples. She’s in no headspace to resist her urges and immediately uses both hands to flick and brush over her nipples. The blissful feeling causes the heat in her crotch to rise even hotter as he lets out a slight “Mhmmmmmm~” She continues to tease herself while throwing in a pinch or a pull occasionally. Her chest forms into more than just a chest, a rack befitting the title of breasts, pushing out to a solid C-cup, but not yet stopping. With a lustful squeeze, her chest balloons out even greater into huge jiggly DDs, straining her ill-fitting shirt.

One, rather vigorous masturbation session later, Draven head begins to feel a little strange again. This time, however, there's no extra power or transformation to endure. Instead, it’s like there's some sort of calling for her to explore. Despite feeling rather exhausted and in need of a shower, Draven follows the feeling. Shifting through realities, she eventually stops, almost instinctively. Her powerful body allows her to leap through the buildings and land with style, just like a cat should.

“Jeez, this is pretty freakin massive. I guess it makes sense why I got called here.” Draven says to herself once she lands at a glorious mansion. Luckily for her the door is already wide open for her to enter. After a while of strolling through the satanically decorated estate, she picks up on some strange sounds with her cat ears. Naturally, Draven goes to investigate.

After making her way through a few more strangely decorated rooms, she manages to find the source of the noise. A strange sight is revealed to her, three dog girls fighting some sort of fluffy looking superhero girl. As soon as Draven steps in the room, they all seem to understand what's happening and stop fighting.

“You’re from that forest, right?” the fluffy girl asks her.

“Yeah, you too.”


“What’s with those three?”

“They didn’t quite believe me until you walked into the room right now. Thought I was punkin ‘em.”

“I see now.” a chorus arises from the three.

“Oh yeah, they’re also like, linked or something. They’ve got free will, but they tend to do a lot of the same things by coincidence. And I’ve also noticed they share physical sensations.”

“Yep!” the chorus chimes up again.

“Well, uhm, why are we all here then?” Draven asks.

“I’m not quite sure either, but it has to be for some reason. We all filled out one of those puzzles right? So it has to be something…” the fluffy girl speculates.

Draven isn’t sure about the trustworthiness of these people, but they all appeared to share the experience of entering the woods, then solving some sort of puzzle. She doesn’t know what to do next, but she does believe that they’re there for a reason. A reason she will have to discover for herself…

(ENDING 12/9)

Sources: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/52070…


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