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Nathan had already lived through an epidemic or two, he had managed to dodge both of them by some divine luck. It wasn’t like it mattered too much anyways, both of the diseases were pretty minor. One being the all infamous Covid, and the other being a slight mutation of it. More or less, it just produced a few hives and little extra vomiting for a shorter period of time. However, some rumors had recently been spreading on the internet, bringing Nathan to the point where he is now.

“Feminization virus…” he read to himself, “this reads like one of those crappy tg captions with just three sentences and a picture of a hot girl.” He continued scrolling, deep in the rabbit hole of what is perceived to be yet another mutation of Covid. All of the symptoms were present, for the first day or two at least. Afterwards, the woman infected would go through a week long process of intense horniness and swelling of her primary sexual features. That being her breasts, ass, and permanently increased sensitivity and pleasure from her pussy and nipples. Nathan brushed it off as some shitty tg-community meme mocking the common trope and went about his day.

Not longer than a day later, Nathan checked back in on the original whistleblower thread. It has a score in the tens of thousands now, quite a surprise considering the community it’s from only has a thousand or so members. After doing a few scans across the front pages of various sites, Nathan discovered that there are several other massively popular posts linking to this one. His favorite Twitch streamers and Youtubers couldn’t stop talking about it. Some of them dismissed it as nonsense, logically, and others wanted to believe in a new age where every girl could have giant milkers.

Nathan himself starts to become a believer after looking into it a bit more. There’s been reports of people who have caught the virus and have reaped its benefits. Nathan isn’t quite convinced, until he sees a certain video on the original tg website he found the original post on.

“Holy shit…” Nathan whispered audibly as he watched a compilation of an underground camgirl’s transformation. She talked about all the same things in the post, a day or two of rather rough sickness, then feeling completely fine on the third day, aside from a fever. The moment she noticed that her bra didn’t fit quite right she was shocked to realize that this feminization virus is real and that she could easily make a killing by streaming it. Unfortunately for her, the stream quickly got taken down then reuploaded as the government clearly doesn’t want anyone to know about a ‘good’ virus without knowing much about it themselves.

Despite the government's efforts, Nathan is still able to watch the slow but pleasurable process of the girl’s breasts and ass grow accompanied by her frenzied masturbation. While the virus causes a slow and steady growth for most of the transformation, the compilation singled out various points at which the growth was highly accelerated and caused near instant orgasm in the girl. At the end of the video, the originally rather petite and flat girl was left with a huge breasted curvaceous figure that begged to be bred. Naturally, Nathan's first reaction is to masturbate to the video. Afterwards, though, his mind drifted to what would occur if a man is infected. With a rising resentment of his own body and plenty of fantasies about being a girl, he could only hope for the best in the days to come.

It isn’t long before the news is unable to deny the existence of the feminization virus. With the “Girl’s Parties” running rampant around the country having women spread the disease to each other en masse, the government decides to take more extensive measures to prevent the spread, including but not limited to banning these parties. Luckily for the government, the disease is rather difficult to spread unintentionally. Intense sexual contact is required in order to contract it most of the time leading to deep kissing, scissoring, and sharing toys between the girls at the parties. Another convenient part of the feminization virus is that a week after the transformation fully manifests, the virus is no longer transmissible and the accentuated assets stick around permanently.

Of course, someone had to be the first to discover that it takes a week for the disease to fully be flushed out of a woman’s body. Nathan finds out about the first male to contract the virus after about a week of the news going public through the same tg site as before. The site seemed to be losing its mind, posts left and right, announcements, almost five times as many members as Nathan has ever seen, and a new post on the front page. A post allegedly from the first man infected by the feminization virus. Nathan hurriedly clicks on the post to read the full thing.

<Christ, well, there's no other place to post this really, and this is the first large-ish community I could find based on my predicament. So, I hooked up with this chick, irresistible. Massive tits, plush, peach shaped ass. And god her moans, I could only imagine the bliss she felt from me inside her. Anyways. She gave me that fucking virus after insisting that it isnt contagious after the changes are done. Shit. And now I’m here. I thought it was just another cold, but after that dreaded third day I knew exactly what was happening. I tried to go to the hospital but they sent me away immediately and told me to quarantine unless I wanted to be arrested and have tests run on me for the rest of my life.>

Nathan continued reading, heart pulsing with anticipation of what he would see next.

<This all started well before this stupid virus went global. I was a little skeptical, like anyone else, but after seeing that girl in person I was nearly convinced. And now, there’s no denying it for me. The virus takes two or three days after getting over the initial sickness to finish with women, but for me... This has been going for no less than ten whole days. I don’t want to have to describe it, it's so embarrassing. All you people need to know is that it’s a slow process, and I’m no man anymore. From what I know the virus still has its grasp on me, hopefully this ends soon. I don’t want to change any more.>

Nathan’s heart won't stop thumping at what he’s reading. He scrolls down a little more to see an image attached.

There’s no proof that this blushing girl unaware of her massive cleavage shown in the image was ever a guy, but her posture suggested it and Nathan has no reason to not believe her. Nathan’s jaw nearly dropped right to the ground reading through the post and second and third time. He wants to find a way to get himself infected immediately, but the pressure the government puts on recently infected girls to not infect anyone else is harsh to say the least. Up to a year of jail time and massive fines for intentionally (or unintentionally) spreading the virus.

After a few more weeks, Nathan’s mind still didn’t falter from being fixated on the fantasy of being infected and turned into a woman. The government's efforts seem to have worked, the virus is still spreading, but very slowly. Despite the ‘victims’ only being contagious for about two weeks, the virus is still around but rarely. News of men getting infected and turning into girls becomes a more concrete truth, well known by most of the world now despite there being only around a dozen cases so far. The tg site Nathan frequents seems to grow at an unimaginable rate. The idea that men can actually turn into sexy women in real life causes a massive awakening bringing tons of people to the fetish. Most of the people just like the idea of a man turning into a woman and then being able to get their hands on them, but most of the members with seniority desire deeply to become a girl. Nathan being one of them.

Nathan finally hits a potential lead on someone who will give him the virus after weeks of searching. The familiar sinking and beating of his heart returns as he checks his messages.

BNPerspective: Don’t worry. It won’t be my first time, it will be my first time trying to transmit the virus though.

Naonel: Ok, I wouldn’t want to take someone's virginity for this if I don’t have to. Will you do it?

BNPerspective: I will. But not for free of course. It’s a big damn risk on my part. $3,000, non-negotiable.

Nathan doesn’t care about the money really. He has a bit saved up. 3 grand is a lot for him, but nothing he isn’t willing to pay for his truest dream.

Naonel: And I won’t even try to negotiate, deal. Just tell me where you want to meet and when

The unnamed girl that simply goes by “BNPerspective” gives him a time and location, less than 24 hours from the current time. Nathan does all he can to get ready and be as presentable as possible. Shower, shaving, a tad bit of cologne, his best clothes. For him, it’s less about pleasing the girl and more about bidding his manhood farewell. Not that he minds losing it too much.

When the time comes, Nathan makes his way to the hotel. It’s a short hour or so flight to get there on time, but he makes it there with time to spare. Nathan wanders around the city for a bit before arriving at the hotel, a typical love hotel. It’s a little shady, but Nathan has stopped caring about money or materialistic things a long time ago. He does what BNPerspective tells him to do, tell the woman at the front desk that he “Wants to see things through a new perspective.”

The woman at the desk slides him a room key and tells him the room number with no further questions. Apparently this girl has some sort of ties with the workers here. He makes his way down to the room, his nerves nearly getting the best of him as he stands in front of the room’s door for a moment. Swallowing his anxieties, he swipes the keycard over the scanner and cracks open the door. The lights are dim as he walks in the room, but shining over the luxurious bed, illuminating a beautiful figure laying on the bed.

“Come one darling, this is what you want, right?” the girl beckons Nathan. He stands there for a moment, stunned at the young woman in front of him. “It’s your money.” she comments. Eventually, Nathan snaps out of his trance and undresses. The girl looks especially nervous, enough for him to notice.

“Uhmm, are y~you ok?” he asks her. “God, what a wimp. Just fuck me already.” she says, sounding irritated but still covering her face and blushing. Nathan lines the tip of his member up with her pussy lips, her body slightly trembling in anticipation. He slides it in gently and her legs tense up. Her pussy is so incredibly tight around his cock, the feeling is nothing short of heavenly. This girl is more than worthy of being the last one he has sex with. “Mhmmmm~” the girl moans slightly as Nathan sinks his dick all the way inside her. She wraps his fingers around his and looks him in the eyes for a moment. “It’s so much better this way, you’re making the right choice.”

The softness and affirmation from her voice gives Nathan the confidence to want to breed her, a masculine part of him he only wishes to embrace one last time in order to become who he truly wants to be. With slight grunts he fills her pussy with his thick cock over and over again. “AAAAHhhn… OHHHNnnnnn… FAAHHCKkkkk…” her moans increase in volume as they’re both brought closer to a blissful orgasm thrust by thrust. Nathan feels the familiar welling sensation in his crotch while he watches her breasts jiggle and bounce with each slap against her ass. “A~Ahhhh~are you, cuhh… CUHMMMINNGG??” she shouts out, intoxicated with bliss as her womb is filled with his seed. He leaves his dick inside for a moment, exhausted as the last of his sperms oozes out inside of her womb.

“I sort of knew you would do this. Well, since you came inside, I have no doubt you’ve gotten infected now. Don’t worry about me, I won’t get pregnant. Now leave, and if anyone catches wind of your transformation, it wasn’t me.” she demands.

Nathan gets his clothes back on hastily and leaves. What the hell did he just do? He has doubts as to if he really wants to be a woman, if he even got the virus, if this was all just mentally coping for basically buying a prostitute. He mulled over it on his way back home, unable to make up his own mind amongst the chaos.

When he gets home, Nathan feels nothing standing out from the usual aside from post-nut clarity perhaps. By now it’s rather late, but the churning in his stomach prevents him from sleeping at a usual time. The raw anxiety of his impending future keeps him up hours past when he should be. His mind practically forces him to fall asleep at a not so modest 5 am.

He wakes up in the afternoon to an even greater, even more unpleasant churning sensation. He gets up into a seated position in his bed to feel the worst stomach ache he’s ever had. The realization strikes him that he’s undoubtedly caught the virus. He trudges over the bathroom and leans his head over the toilet, ready to throw his guts up over and over again throughout the day. Nathan attempts to eat or drink something, but all of the saltine crackers and water come right back out within minutes of him eating them. He knew that the initial sickness of the virus would be bad, but not this agonizing and debilitating. After riding it out through the whole day with a combination of painkillers and anti acids, Nathan falls asleep yet again at 5 am.

Another crappy bedtime, another crappy morning. Nearly feeling like he’s not even on the same planet anymore, Nathan steps out of his bed. To his surprise, the stomachache and all the other symptoms of the sickness are gone. The weird part is that when he got down from the bed it felt like it was a bit of a drop, like the bed got taller overnight. Of course not, he knows exactly what’s happening. With a short measurement of his height, he’d lost over half a foot overnight. The swirling feeling in his stomach returns, but this time only half anxiety and more half excitement. “The virus is actually working! That woman wasn’t lying!” he exclaimed in glee. Feeling rather itchy, he runs one of his hands across his arm. He notices a distinct lack of hair. Checking his armpits and legs, he rubs the smooth hairless skin. Of course, normal women wouldn’t have this abnormal lack of hair, but it’s one of the symptoms of the virus. It is part of why it’s so desirable for women to catch it, a little less maintenance in their lives. Nathan can’t wait to see how he will change in the coming days, the sickness and $3,000 will be more than worth it.




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