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You stroll through the town for a bit and find some location resembling a bar. You can’t quite make out the language but the imagery looks familiar. You crack open the doors to reveal a very traditional looking fantasy bar, long tables, elves and everything. As you walk in, many people there give you hateful stares, but when you approach the bar, the bartender seems happy to help you. “What wouldja like, little lad?” he bellows. “Uhm, just surprise me.” you say, feeling especially indecisive. The bartender goes into the back and fills up a tall pitcher for you. “Here ya are, enjoy!” he exclaims in the same bellowing voice as before.

You take the glass in your hands, the glass that looks far too large for your now smaller body. You don’t hesitate to sit down and start drinking. The taste of the alcohol is something special, something you wouldn’t taste in the normal world. You chug the drink quickly, it’s taste is sublime. As you do, two crocodile-like men approach you and sit down at your table. They attempt to speak to you, but you don’t understand their language at all, that combined with being incredibly drunk makes you unable to communicate as well.

The men guide you out of the bar, you’re in no position to resist. They take you through the city and out into some backwoods. Your wits are barely with you and you end up passing out soon after laying down to rest. After a couple hours of attempting to sleep off your intoxication, you wake up to feel it even worse. When you try to move, it feels like your entire body is lagging behind your thoughts. On top of that, your body feels tingly as well, not to mention your raging morning wood. The tingling gets stronger, you feel your nipples rub against your shirt. The sensitivity of them causes slight discomfort. You feel a squeezing sensation around your waist, and the opposite pulling at your hips as they contract and expand respectively, curving out your figure.

The crocodile men appear again, alerted from your rustling as you try to get rid of the tingling sensation on your ass. Both your thighs and your ass in unison bubble out further, thickening and stretching the fabric of the tights that you have on. Tights? You didn’t have those on at the bar, nor did you have this top! And wait, your hands are tied up, that explains why it’s so difficult to itch those scratches. “Wuhaaaa… who are you guysss~” you slur at the crocodile men. They only look at you and laugh as your erection that tore open your tights begins to pump out even more intoxicating chemicals into your brain and fade away. Before long, you’re left with a puffy wet slit between your legs, no resemblance of manhood left besides your still throbbing clit. The tingling strengthens in your chest, jiggly fat pushing your nipples out wider as your chest becomes a pair of perky breasts. They swell and bounce lightly, eventually bursting out of your tight top and stopping at a firm DD-cup.

Now completely female, and with a sopping pussy begging to be pleasured, one of the crocodile men pulls out another bottle full of something while the other grabs on your hips and grinds his erection on your plush ass making you even more wet. “What the hell are they doing?” you think. “Are they gonna…. fuck me?? What’s in that vial?” Your brain kicks into overdrive attempting to assess the situation and how to potentially get out of it. You can’t exactly communicate with them, but maybe you could get away with something less lewd like a blowjob. Before you’re able to bargain with the men, the one with the bottle pops it open and forces your mouth open to drink. You hear the crocodile men talking, and you manage to make out something about 80 hours. You wonder what that means as you attempt to gag and cough out the thick sweet liquid, but it’s no use. Some of it makes it down your throat, and soon enough, your mind begins to slip. The words that the men are saying become even more distorted and unintelligible than before. Your speech sounds more like incoherent grumbling, and your thoughts fade from your mind. The men keep pouring the sweet sticky liquid down your throat, you don’t even care to resist, swallowing it all. You keep drinking, it’s the only thing your mushy thoughtless brain can do.

When the man stops pouring, you’re left with your mouth open, the liquid still dripping from your tongue with a mindless stare in your eyes. The only thing you can feel is something ramming in and out of your vagina. Suddenly, another object is shoved into your mouth, tasting just like the liquid, but having the feeling of a dick. Your instincts are so inhibited to the point where you don’t even have a gag reflex as the man shoves his member deep down your throat. The only thing that you hear is the rough slapping against your ass and a slight “GHHHKKK, GHMMM, GHNNGGGG” coming from your mouth as the man throat-fucks you. A thick haze of pleasure covers your consciousness, inhibiting all thought, accentuated by the drink. As a warm liquid spurts down your throat from the man’s cock, he pulls it out, his cum dripping off your tongue as he pours more of the elixir on his member. “Uuuuuaahhhhh…ummmmmmmmhhaaaaa….” you moan, unable to form any actual words.

You only can stare blankly in pleasure as you watch him shove it back into your mouth again, completely filling your throat, coating it with the elixir he slathered his dick with. It feels like you’re not even a human being anymore, just an instrument to be taken advantage of and ravaged. It feels good though, being a mere receptacle for lust and cum. A building pressure wells up in your crotch area. The sensation of your vaginal walls being spread and filled then emptied is the only thing your barely-functional mind can focus on. Their throbbing cocks twitch inside you again, they push as deep as possible inside your holes as possible depositing their seed with a few sensual bursts. As the cum enters your body, your entire body shakes contacts, your stomach muscles contorting as your crotch pulses with waves of orgasmic bliss. “MHMMGGHHHH…. GHMMMMGHHMKKKK~” you moan through swallowing load after load of seed.

The men pull their members out of you, warm semen dripping out of your mouth and pussy. You don’t even think to move or resist, the only thing you want is your holes to be filled again and again. You don’t remember anything about 80 hours, but the time will melt away in pleasure quickly enough. Once you get your mind back you’ll probably be begging to become a toy for them again anyways…


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