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Sam focuses hard and spells out the letters P. O. W. E. R. on the wall beneath the red gem in his mind. When he opens up his eyes again, the word is physically on the wall. The voices from before boom again.

"Power... the first of the three. Well done... Sam, is it?" he doesn’t say anything back.

"Here... I have two questions for you... Let's say, I give you near unlimited strength. You'd be able to lift entire buildings, nearly create a black hole in your hands, and without being bald and wearing an orange suit with a cape.  Would you try to take over the world with it, try to become a hero with it, keep it a secret, how would you live your life differently with so much power?"

“With that kind of power, it would be easy to conquer my foes. But I would need to make sure I didn't hurt those I care for…” Sam responds, deep in thought.

"Oooooh indulge me... what sort of foes do you have? I must know..." the voices inquire, secretly hoping for a malicious voyager to receive their boons.

“There always seems to be super powered villains! The heroes get all the attention and no one seems to notice me.”

"Ah I see, I don't have too much interaction with the human world, but I do know your desires. Now, this second question might be a bit jarring compared to the last one, but... what's your type, your ideal girl?"

“Ummm, I mean... I like girls that are thicc and big breasted...red hair has always been hot.” Sam answers hesitantly, most definitely jarred by the change in tone.

"Ah, I see. Well, you know... few leave this forest, and those who do do not leave the same as they came in..."

The ground beneath him begins to shake, putting him off balance. Reality distorts in the same way it did when he found this place, except now, he’s returning, but not without a few alterations…

Sam finds himself back in his room, naked, but in the room he recognizes as his own, the room he was left as a lactating furry girl after his attempt to escape once before. Except, this time, he got out with the permission of whatever entity overlooked that forest. Although, the cacophony of voices did tell him something about how no one who entered left the same. The moment he recalled the words, a sharp pain hit him in his stomach. “URGKKK…fuckin ow…ghhhhhh…”  he groans as he crunches over in an attempt to alleviate his discomfort.

The trademark chills of a bad stomach ache ripple across his skin, except this time, the chilly feeling indicated his skin clearing of all bodily hair. Still hunched over in pain, his core gurgles, it feels like bubbles are in midsection as his waist squeezes in before ballooning out with fat again. “Unghhh, huh, WHAT?” he exclaims as he realizes his core area put on a few pounds making him look chubby. “They told me I would be STRONG!” Sam says in frustration before punching a hole straight through his floor. He pulls his hands out of the floor, shaking with surprise. They look smaller, a little chubbier, but coated with bright red, with his fingers and wrists covered by brown stones.

Sam looks at his hands in confusion. What the hell happened to them? What the hell is happening to him? A wave of numbness wipes over his body, his posture shrinking down. He loses nearly a foot of height while his appendages and torso lose width. His sensation returns, leaving him just above 5 feet with a chubby stomach and the rest of his body looking thin and fragile. He takes another swing at his wall to confirm that he still has his promised strength.


His arm goes clean through the wall with even less effort than when he punched a hole in his floor. “I look like a chubby chick with a dick… why am I only becoming stronger…” he says, sounding more like a she with a bubbly girly voice. Unseen to him, his face molds like clay into one with more rounded, cute features. His eyes glow a reddish amber while his eyelashes lengthen to give his face a more feminine appearance. Sam’s eyes dart over to the clock, 1:32 pm. “Perfect,” he mutters.

He makes his way outside to find the largest object available. Eventually, he picks out one of the cars parked on the street. He hopes that his strength will be able to be controlled enough to not destroy the car, but hey, the voices promised him near unlimited strength. Sam curls his stony fingers under the vehicle, and lifts with all his might. As he manages to lift the car off the ground, his body tingles as more soft, sensitive flesh floods into all the right places. “RRRNNGGHHHHHHH,” he grunts in a high pitched tone that turns him on a little. His legs shift on the pavement from his hips widening, enough to burst the seams of any pants he owns. His nipples and areola swell on his chest, gaining insane sensitivity while tits begin to form under them. The car gets lifted further off ground by the moment, Sam’s strength increasing, corresponding to his chest pushing out jiggly D-cup breasts.

Sam manages to lift the car completely off the ground and decides he should try to hold it over his head. His ass and thighs fill with muscle and balloon out with soft fat as he extends his legs to stand straight up. Even with his plush ass and pillowy thighs, there's still plenty of room left by his unreal wide hips. “MHMMMMMM, PUUUSHHHHH!” he grunts out loud, the mounds of flesh hanging off his chest expanding even larger into humongous F-cups. His hair is infected with a bright red from the roots as he manages to hold the car stable above his head. Feeling accomplished, he lets the car down, as easy as putting a pencil on a table for him.

“HOLY…” he shouts, noticing the massive knockers, HIS massive knockers! He hesitantly places his hands on his sensitive underboob, a pleasurable glow emanating from his breasts as he sinks his hard fingers into them. “Mmmmmmhhhhhhh” he moans softly, his own voice turning him on even more. Suddenly, he snaps back to his objective. He needs to prove his strength. Sam focuses his power in his legs and jumps, sending him flying towards the abandoned airport he lives near. He knows that there's a couple of planes left there for some reason, somehow not scrapped yet. A couple of incredibly heavy planes. Sam lands with a crash, but not enough to damage his resilient but soft body. He walks up to one of the abandoned planes, but he hears another plane soaring through the air above him. He glances up and sees that the plane is clearly not flying properly, and manages to spot a local villain trying to sabotage it. He doesn’t want to try and intervene, he just got his strength minutes ago, but he knows he has to. It’s what he needs to do.

He leaps up with the divine leg strength he's been gifted and lands on top of the plane with expert grace. Luckily for him, this villain is one that won’t pose too much of a threat to someone of his power. “Hey, buddy!” Sam shouts at the man damaging the plane. The man looks over to see a naked half-lady approaching him. “Jesus… what the fuck.” he mutters to himself before quickly jumping off the plane. He clearly doesn’t want to deal with whatever the hell is happening with Sam, although he could admit that her bouncing tits and puffy nipples were alluring. Sam takes a look around on the plane, the left engine clearly is far from functional. Only one option now…

Sam notices the tickling on his back, his hair fluffs massively behind him. His giant puffball of bright red hair sprouts out two equally massive ears from under it. He can nearly hear the people inside the airplane pleading for help with his massive fluffy ears, he has to do this. But wait, he thinks, he can’t fly! How can he hold up a plane~ Sam’s spine feels like something is trying to burst out. All at once, more crimson fluff bursts out from behind him, a giant tail is now his own! “Oooooohhh!” Sam says out loud, enamored with his cute tail. For some reason, he feels his confidence soar. He floats off the ground and naturally flies under the plane to help guide it to a safe landing.

His fluffy ears get in the way a bit, but he manages to get a firm grasp on the plane. Sam focuses his will on lifting the rapidly plumbing plane, the room made by his hips being filled quickly as his squishy thighs suffocate his dick, causing the cum to spurt right out and slip inside of him. Sam, well, Sammy’s, strength wanes from her sudden orgasm, but she quickly recollects her power to hold off the rapid descent of the plane. “MNGGGGHHHH, FAAAAHCCCKK!” she shouts, half from pain, half from pleasure. She holds the plane in a steady descent towards an open grassy patch. Her breasts balloon even larger as the plane approaches the ground, too large to be described by a simple letter or two. Their bouncing in the wind is distracting for Sammy, but she needs to land this plane down, only a few more seconds and she’ll be done. Close, almost there, and down! “Unnghhhh, God damn.” she says with labored breaths. “Wait a second, AAH!” she whispers in surprise as she flies away, still completely naked to everyone around her.

Sammy makes it back to her room, brain overloaded with the events that have just happened to her. “A superhero, and a thicc chick with huge tits and a dumptruck of an ass?” she mutters in confusion. Just as she says that, she feels her nipples throb. She doesn’t mind it too much as she goes to just watch some anime. Not longer than 10 minutes into the episode she’s watching, her thick nipples bead with milk. “Oh come on, really?” She doesn’t admit it, but the feeling of milk flowing out from her breasts makes her pussy drip with lust. She was a fan of those cow transformations as a guy, but she never thought she would be the one with the udders. Sammy slowly brought a hand to her tit and squeezed, producing a stream of milk. She struggles to contain her voice, and eventually lets out a sultry, seductive, “Moooo~” Now all she needed was someone gracious enough to milk this big strong cow…


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